Food Pantry
The Food Pantry at Grace Presbyterian Church is a mission of our hearts, to which we give enthusiastic support with donations, presence, financial contributions, and our planning and work.
*If you would like to receive help from the Food Pantry:
Distributions are on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month, between 5p.m. and 7p.m. Bagged groceries are given out drive-thru style (you may also walk or bike if you don't have a car), at the front of the church next to the courtyard. There are no zip code limitations, and you only need to provide some ID. You will be asked a few questions which are only to help us as we work with the Arkansas Food Bank. Additionally, we have a "third table", whose items vary from distribution to distribution, but often include toiletries like soap or shampoo, or housewares like cleaning products.
If you would like to help assist with giving out food at the Food Pantry we are always looking for volunteers to:
*Pick up food pallets from the Arkansas Food Bank
*transfer food from the pallets into the freezer and refrigerator and into the storage areas
*Pick up food pallets from Kroger
*Transfer food from the pallets into the freezer, refrigerator and storage areas
*Bag up groceries for the distribution
*Be present at distribution to hand out bags, connect with patrons, and help collect information
*And there may be other ways you could help, so if you are interested, please let us know by contacting the church! 501-225-3274,
If you would like to donate to the Food Pantry, we can always use:
Canned goods
Good quality paper bags
Good quality plastic bags
Financial donations (Checks can be made out to Grace Presbyterian Church, with "Food Pantry" in the memo line, and mailed to 9301 N. Rodney Parham Rd, Little Rock, AR 72227
At special times of the year we also collect things like Thanksgiving items (canned pie filling, pumpkin, frozen pie crusts, financial donations for turkeys, etc); Christmas candy; Easter hams, etc. Those donation lists are advertised close to the special distributions