Near Peer SSC


  1. To facilitate Near-Peer educator development in a Primary Care setting

  2. To develop a generalist approach to patient care

Learning Objectives

Within the Context of Primary Care: -

  1. Allow students to develop their skills as educators and mentors through teaching Year 3 students in Clinical Practice.

  2. Opportunity to design teaching sessions and materials.

  3. Improve students’ knowledge of teaching methods and giving feedback to learners.

  4. Opportunity to apply for QMUL SEED – educator development award.


1500-word reflection

Development of Teaching Portfolio to be reviewed regularly during the placement to include a creative reflection or enquiry into the educator journey (drawing, poem, poster etc.)


  1. Preparation and facilitation of Year 3 teaching sessions with GP Tutor.

  2. GP tutor observed teaching sessions – may include Mock OSCEs, tutorials, clinical skills teaching.

  3. Develop Mentoring Skills by multiple encounters with a group of Year 3 students during the placement.

  4. Access to Teaching Resources & training sessions arranged Centrally by CBME.

  5. Shadowing GP Tutor and Running their own supervised surgeries.

  6. Enhance generalist skills through Chronic Disease Clinics, nurse clinics, home visits, vaccination clinics, audit, health checks.

  7. Completion of pre and post SSC questionnaire

  8. Attendance of focus group/interviews to help evaluate pilot.

Facilities Available

Use of medical and teaching and IT equipment at the GP Surgery.

Use of teaching/conference facilities at GP Practice.


GP Practice with support from CBME (workshops can be virtual or face to face at the medical school depending on situation)

Teaching space

Use of clinical and teaching rooms at GP Practice


Access to computers and IT equipment, medical and teaching equipment usually found in a GP Practice

Other Resources

Online teaching resources and central training and support (weekly lunchtime drop-in as well as 3 central workshops)