Peer-Reviewed Publications

Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

[1] Mercan, G., & Hohenberger, A. (2019). Structural priming in the production of Turkish possessive noun phrases and noun clauses. Journal of Cultural Cognitive Science. [Full text:]

[2] Mercan, G., & Simonsen, H. G. (2019). The production of passives by English-Norwegian and Turkish-Norwegian bilinguals: a preliminary investigation using a cross-linguistic structural priming manipulation. Journal of Cultural Cognitive Science. [Full text:

Book Chapters in Peer-Reviewed Edited Volumes

[1] Türker-van der Heiden, E. & Mercan, G. (2019). The Acquisition of Turkish (Genitive)-Possessive Structures by Adult Norwegian Learners. In R. Arntzen, G. Håkansson, A. Hjelde & J.-U. Keßler (Eds.), Teachability and Learnability across Languages. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

[2] Mercan, G. (2016). Structural priming in L2 Turkish: A study on possessive noun phrases and noun clauses. In A. Gürel (Ed.), Second Language Acquisition of Turkish (pp. 313-332). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Publications in Peer-Reviewed Conference Proceedings

[1] Bahadır, G. & Hohenberger, A. (2013). Yapısal Hazırlama ve Karşılıklı Konuşmada Sözdizimsel Uyumun İncelenmesi (Structural Priming and the Investigation of Syntactic Alignment in Conversation). In Ö. Ceylan (Ed.), UDKEK 2011(International Congress on Linguistics and Comparative Literature) Proceedings (pp. 173-185). İstanbul: İstanbul Kültür University. 

[2] Bahadır, G. & Hohenberger A. (2012). Türkçedeki ilgi-iyelik yapılarında yapısal hazırlama (Structural Priming of Genitive-Possessive Constructions in Turkish). In É. Kincses-Nagy & M. Biacsi (Eds.), The Szeged Conference: Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Turkish Linguistics (ICTL) (pp. 111-123). Szeged: University of Szeged, Department of Altaic Studies.

[3] Bahadır, G. & Polinsky, M. (2011). Structural Priming and the Phrasal/Clausal Distinction: The Case of CQs. In A. Botinis (Ed.), Proceedings of the 4th ISCA Tutorial and Research Workshop on Experimental Linguistics (ExLing) (pp. 15-18). ISCA and the University of Athens.

[4] Blochowiak, J. & Bahadır, G. (2011). Semantic Priming at the Sentence Level with the Connective ‘Because’. In A. Botinis (Ed.), Proceedings of the 4th ISCA Tutorial and Research Workshop on Experimental Linguistics (ExLing) (pp. 31-34). ISCA and the University of Athens. 

[5] Bahadır, G. (2009). Yabancı Dil Öğreniminde Motivasyon: Türkçeyi Yabancı Dil Olarak Öğrenen Bireylerde Yönelimler ve Yürütücü Motivasyon (Motivation in Foreign Language Learning: Orientations and Executive Motivation in Learners of Turkish as a Foreign Language). In N. Adalı & F. Uçar Boyraz (Eds.), 2. Psikoloji Lisansüstü Öğrencileri Kongresi Bildiri Tam Metin Kitabı (Proceedings of the 2nd Psychology Graduate Students’ Conference) (pp. 22-32). Ankara: Detamat/Ankara University.