What is a SAR?

An SAR which is known as a Special Administrative Region, is a semi-autonomous region in the People's Federation of Quebec. They are ran and controlled by representives that the Supreme Council and the Communist Party places in. The SARs have there own Councils and can make their own laws and basic laws that may over rule minor laws in the Federation


Chief Leader: Andrew Derbah
Founded 12 October 2019Admin centre: FrancOfficial Language: FrenchCurrency: Quebecois DollarPopulation: 10


Chief Leader: Leon Montan
Founded 12 October 2019Admin centre: PinecrestOfficial languages: FrenchCurrency: Pincrête DollarPopulation: 0
Pinecrest Lake, Pincrête SAR

What is in store?

These SARs of Quebec not only benefit the country, but it benefits the people, by allowing private business and local economies grow with very little tax taken for the government in Citadelle.

Plastic is also planned to be banned in the SARs.