Control of publishing certainly exercises a heavy influence on the development of religions, and it is impossible to avoid the idea that the government censors with a heavy hand to purposefully limit this development.

Before 1975, Venerable Quang Do actively mobilized for the Unified Buddhist Church of Vietnam. After 1975, he continued to lead this delegation, despite fierce government suppression that continued until his death.

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In January 2020, the head of Song Ngoc Parish Father Nguyen Dinh Thuc stated that he was banned from holding mass beginning in August 2019. Father Thuc is widely known by the public for his civil society activities among central Vietnamese fishermen after the Formosa environmental disaster. Between 2017 and 2019, the government banned him from traveling overseas twice.

In 2020, Central Highland provincial authorities accused the Protestant Church of Christ of using religious activities to incite people to oppose the government. Many members of this church were taken in for interrogation.

Did you know that the US government operates a top-secret airline called Janet? The airline tends to fly under the radar, even though it operates out of commercial airports. However, if you've never noticed the discreet, unmarked aircraft fleet, you're not the only one.

The law makes it impossible to know where the Honduran government is investing millions of dollars, by classifying public information about security and defense secret for up to 25 years. Documents are categorized as reserved, confidential, secret or ultra secret in the name of protecting national security. But the law provides no parameters for what national security means, which allows the government to file documents it does not want anyone to see into one of these four categories.

It is a lot harder for groups outside the government to come up with alternative solutions to tackle spiraling levels of violence without knowing the true scope and trends of crime and murder. Between a law that bars the public from access to key security information, a government effort to silence the press and protest, an administration unwilling to hear from its civil society, and a politicized judicial system, it is unclear to whom the Honduran government has to answer.

What makes PPDs so interesting is that, unlike normal executive orders, they don't need to be written into the Federal Register to be effective. The president can sit down at this desk, create a law without anyone outside of the National Security Council knowing about it, and put it into effect immediately. There are no checks. There are no balances.

And it's not only political figures, peace-loving musicians, or other powerful individuals who attract the FBI's spotlight. The Bureau is also interested in you! Remember how difficult it was for the characters in HBO's The Wire to get granted a wire-tapping permit? Yeah, the FBI doesn't have to deal with anything like that. If they want to hack you, they hack you. It's that simple. Furthermore, "there's also no public accounting of how often the government hacks people," according to Wired. In case you haven't already figured it out by now, the FBI does whatever they want, whenever they want, with nobody to truly tell them otherwise.

"Command and Control," his newest expos, turns the gaze to America's arsenal of nuclear weapons -- and blows the lid off the many, many times when we came this close to accidental catastrophe. That we didn't, Schlosser writes, has less to do with sound technology and safety measures than plain dumb luck. And that we still don't know how lucky we were --and continue to be -- can be attributed to deliberate government obfuscation.

Any personnel or employment records you make or keep (including all application forms, regardless of whether the applicant was hired, and other records related to hiring) must be preserved for one year after the records were made, or after a personnel action was taken, whichever comes later. (The EEOC extends this requirement to two years for educational institutions and for state and local governments. The Department of Labor also extends this requirement to two years for federal contractors that have at least 150 employees and a government contract of at least $150,000.) If the applicant or employee files a charge of discrimination, you must maintain the records until the case is concluded.

In other words, the Commission is inviting other member states to calculate how much they may have lost in tax revenue as a result of the alleged violations, and to claw it back from Ireland. That alone is good reason for Noonan to challenge the ruling. The last thing he or any Irish government wants is to establish that kind of precedent.

So, here is my question.....and I hope I explain it well. A lot of people out there are asking "why can't we just print more money and solve the poverty problem?" Terms like "inflation" and the "devaluing of the dollar" are the usual buzz answers to that question. Also, people give the example that if the government were to print more money and just give everyone $50,000, then everyone would go out and buy things, thus making THINGS more in short supply, thus driving up the price of things. (simple supply/demand economics) But this is where I'm curious. With TRUE unemployment probably somewhere around 15% in this country, if DEMAND rose, then companies would WANT to hire more people and build more processing plants to keep up with demand and raise their profits. So, the influx of cash (printed money) would seem to solve the unemployment problem.

But how does that relate to American economics since there is no "cashing out" procedure. If the government gave everyone a bunch more money, there is no "checks and balances" since no one, at the end of the day, goes to the cashier station and exchanges their "chips" (money in this case) for something of value.

Let me try to remove some of the confusion. Imagine the only good in the economy is corn and corn costs $1 a pound, and imagine you and all others earn $100 a month. Each month you buy 100 lbs of corn exchanging $1 for 1 lb of corn; so the real value of $1 is 1 lb of corn. Now suppose the government simply prints more dollar bills and gives you (and imagine everyone else) an additional hundred dollars. If you want to eat more than 100 lbs of corn a month, now you can do so but presumably, since others like you also want to do the same, the demand for corn in the economy would go up and very likely its price as well. Now you would have to give up, say $1.50 for each lb of corn. This, roughly speaking, is inflation, and it is eroding the real value of your dollars -- you are getting less corn for every dollar than you used to.

You ask, won't firms rush to meet this extra demand caused by everyone having an extra hundred dollars? Yes, they would but they'd have to hire people to work in the farms and the higher demand for workers would likely raise their wage. Also, workers will see the inflation around them and want higher dollar wages so they can continue to buy as much corn as before. In short, wages in real terms would rise and this would erode profits and as such, farms will not hire as many workers as you'd think. So yes, there can be a short-lived stimulative effect of printing money.

Bottom line is, no government can print money to get out of a recession or downturn. The deeper reason for this is that money is really a facilitator of exchange between people, a middleman in a trade. If goods could trade with goods directly, without a middleman, we would not need money. If you print more money you simply affect the terms of trade between money and goods, nothing else. What used to cost $1 now costs $10, that's all, nothing fundamental or real has changed. It is as if someone overnight added a zero to every dollar bill; that per se, changes nothing. Just as giving every student 10 extra points on a test changes nothing fundamentally.

But in Canada, the government appears to still have no formal policy or public guidelines, which makes it difficult for those who do find flaws to know what to do, or how the government might respond.

"There's no formal process," says Imran Ahmad, a partner at the law firm Miller Thomson who works with clients on cybersecurity related issues. In the absence of such a process, he says, those who find flaws "just don't know how the government's going to react, and they just want to protect themselves."

At the beginning of the Civil War, which created monumental needs for the federal government, the Civil Sundry Appropriations Act of 1861 became law, and this continued the principle of advertised procurements for the next 86 years.

Later on, the Small Business Act of 1953 was passed, which established the Small Business Administration. The Truth in Negotiation Act of 1962 required both prime and subcontractors on contracts over $500,000 to certify the cost data submitted under the solicitation. Public Law 95-507, which amended the Small Business Act of 1978, formalized the Small Business Subcontracting Plan requirement in contracts over $500,000 to large businesses. At that time, this law was considered a significant change in government procurement practices.

Among other things, it simplified the federal procurement process, reduced paperwork burdens, and transformed the simplified acquisition process to electronic commerce. Before the law could be fully implemented, the Federal Acquisition Reform Act of 1996 (FARA, also known as the Clinger-Cohen Act) was passed to correct some deficiencies in the earlier legislation and to make more changes. These last two laws were significant events because of the vast changes they made in the way that the government conducts it business. The system is continuing to make adjustments to the new, more open environment.

The FAR has recently gone through a significant rewrite to reflect and implement all of the changes made by all the recent laws. In order to do business with the federal government, you definitely need to have a basic knowledge of what is in the FAR and how to use it. 17dc91bb1f

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