The REM phase of our sleep is important for certain types of memory consolidation. Whereas slow wave sleep, or deep sleep, helps us remember facts. Dr. Robert Stickgold, who studies sleep and dreams, says that REM sleep helps us to process contextual and emotional memories. He says dreams are important too. "The dreams seem more to be involved in figuring out possible uses for the memory."

Staff Sgt. Robert Russell demonstrates how to properly check and change the battery in a smoke detector Oct. 1, 2012, at Dover Air Force Base, Del. The National Fire Protection Association urges residents to check batteries monthly and change them every six months. (U.S. Air Force photo illustration by Adrian R. Rowan)

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I was doing some reminiscing the other day with a co-worker and we both recalled smoking laws 20 to 25 years ago. Basically there were no laws. It might be hard for someone younger than 20 to believe, but it wasn't too long ago where you could smoke anywhere and everywhere.

Schools? At one time schools had designated smoking areas for students. They later changed the rules in the late 1980s where students were not allowed to smoke on school property, so they smoked on sidewalks.

If you wanted to smoke in your hospital bed it was allowed. In fact, a lot of people resisted making hospitals non-smoking because of the challenge of getting sick people outside to enjoy a cigarette, which is kind of ironic.

With the end of daylight saving time approaching on Sunday, Nov. 1, Insurance Commissioner Mike Causey, who is also the State Fire Marshal, reminds families to practice this life-saving habit: When you change your clock this weekend for the end of daylight saving time, remember to change the battery in your smoke alarm.

As many families continue to work and take classes from home due to the COVID-19 pandemic, our Safe Kids North Carolina team has heard reports of teachers saying they are hearing smoke alarm batteries making beeping noises in the background during school sessions and meetings. This could be an indicator that it is time to change your smoke alarm batteries.

According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), families have about two minutes to get out of their homes once their smoke alarm sounds due to fire. However, those life-saving minutes only occur when alarms are fully powered and operational.

Of those, in fires in which the smoke alarms were present but did not operate, more than half of them had missing or disconnected batteries after nuisance alarms, such as the alarm going off during cooking. Dead batteries caused one-quarter of the smoke alarm failures.

Maybe you, like me, decided at some point in your life that you'd had enough of soft drugs for a while. Whether this was the beginning of a smoke-free existence or just a hopeless case of hubris is irrelevant here; the point is that you stopped smoking weed for a bit. When you did, you probably also experienced a plethora of positive effects: You felt more energetic, found it easier to remember things, and stopped spending $20 a day on cheeseburgers and Doritos.

According to Hamburger, this resurgence of dreams is common among former smokers; weed suppresses your REM sleep. When you put your rolling papers, pipe, or vaporizers away for a while, your REM sleep suddenly gets the free rein it had before you became a superficially sleeping stoner

Does this mean you can't remember anything at all when you're sleeping? The answer seems to be no. "You only remember the things that happen while you're awake," said Hamburger. "We don't remember the things that happen while we are sleeping, because we're in a lowered state of consciousness. That has something to do with the fact that when you're asleep, you're processing the memories of things that happened during the day and essentially filing them away in your brain."

Dreams help you sort through the thousands of impressions and images you encounter every day. When you smoke weed regularly, that function is also suppressed. Dr. Hamburger confirms this: "By smoking weed, you suppress the REM sleep, and with that you also suppress a lot of important functions of that REM sleep. One of those functions is reliving the things you have experienced and coming to terms with them, as it were. Processing all kinds of psychological influences is something you do in REM sleep. You also anticipate the things that will happen the next day or the days after that. While you're sleeping, you already consider those and make decisions in advance."

The less you give your brain the change to sort this shit out during REM sleep, the more dazed and confused you are during the day. This may explain why the seasoned stoner will often put off tasks and decisions until the very last minute: You failed to anticipate these issues properly, which is why you're late filing your taxes again, or can't remember where you left your house keys.

But one facet of the time change that isn't automatic is that smoke and carbon monoxide detector batteries still need to be changed. Safety groups have long suggested people to change the batteries on these devices during time changes to easily remember when to change the batteries. According to the National Fire Protection Association, the risk of dying in reported home structure fires is 55% lower in homes with working smoke alarms. According to 2014-18 data, about 41% of all home fire deaths were in properties without a working alarm. An additional 16% were in homes where the alarms did not properly sound.

Right now, firefighters across California are battling multiple wildfires, which are destroying property and prompting the evacuation of hundreds of thousands of people. Wildfires are not the only threat to people as smoke exposure is also hazardous, especially for people working outdoors. New major wind events (with wind gusts between 50 and 70 mph) are forecasted for both northern and southern California, which could spark new fires or easily spread smoke to areas not immediately under a wildfire threat.

As previously reported, the California Department of Occupational Safety and Health (Cal/OSHA) adopted an emergency regulation to protect outdoor workers from the harmful effects of wildfire smoke, which requires certain employers to take quick action when wildfires are burning.

Employers must establish a system to communicate AQI levels and protective measures to employees and must encourage employees to inform them of worsening air quality and any adverse symptoms resulting from smoke exposure. Employers must also provide training on the new regulation. The regulation has the monitoring and training requirements.

Certain workplaces are exempt, such as enclosed buildings orvehicles that have air filter systems, firefighters engaged in firefighting, oremployees with only short-term exposure to the smoke (less than one hour). Outdooroccupations and industries, including agriculture, construction, maintenanceand landscaping, are primarily affected.

The cause of the fire remains under investigation.HFD reminds everyone that a working smoke detector is a critical first line of defense when it comes to surviving a fire. In the event of a fire, HFD stresses that you should immediately evacuate any fire area, close all doors behind you, notify 9-1-1 as quickly as possible, and do not go back inside for any reason.

We mourn the passing of Governor Minner, who was a true champion for the right to breathe clean air free of secondhand smoke in workplaces and public places, including casinos. Because of her commitment and leadership, Delaware saved countless lives by passing the Clean Indoor Air Act in 2002 and fought efforts led by gaming and Big Tobacco to roll it back just a year later.

When a fire occurs, there is little time to escape. A fire can spread, sometimes doubling its size, in seconds. In less than 30 seconds, a fire can rage out of control and fill the area with heat and toxic, thick smoke. Remember, when a fire is discovered, it is critical to get out quickly.

The thick, black smoke that is given off from a fire can make it extremely difficult to see where one is going. Crawling low may help visibility, and the air is usually cooler towards the floor. It is important to remember, if the smoke is too thick in the hallway to escape, sheltering-in-place may be necessary. Try to find another way out perhaps through a window or another exit. Always plan for at least two ways out. Closing doors can help reduce the spread of smoke and fire.

Most people who die in fires die from the toxic gases, thick smoke and lack of oxygen. In a fire, breathing even small amounts of these toxic elements can be disorienting, causing some people to pass out. Remember smoke detectors save lives. The time to react to a fire/smoke alarm is when it first goes off. Never ignore an alarm.

Since October 2014, the Red Cross Home Fire Campaign, working with community partners, has saved at least 1,928 lives by educating families about fire safety, helping them create escape plans and installing free smoke alarms in high-risk areas across the country. To learn more about the campaign and how you can get involved, visit

It's the stuff movies are made of: After a blow to the head, a person wanders aimlessly, unable to remember who they are or where they came from. While such sudden, profound loss of memory is rare, memory loss is a problem that affects most people, to a degree.

Smoking harms memory by reducing the amount of oxygen that gets to the brain. Studies have shown that people who smoke find it more difficult to put faces with names than do nonsmokers. Illegal drugs can change chemicals in the brain that can make it hard to recall memories.

Depression and stress. Being depressed can make it difficult to pay attention and focus, which can affect memory. Stress and anxiety can also get in the way of concentration. When you are tense and your mind is overstimulated or distracted, your ability to remember can suffer. Stress caused by an emotional trauma can also lead to memory loss. 17dc91bb1f

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