The Team

Anaïs Lacoursière-Roussel (DFO-Maritimes)

Lead: study design; project management; provide eDNA temporal Maritimes, Gulf and Newfoundland datasets; data analyses and report/publication writing.

Kimberly Howland (DFO-Arctic)

Co-lead: study design; provide eDNA temporal Arctic datasets; data interpretation for Arctic species diversity and ecology, report/publication writing.

Francis LeBlanc (DFO-Gulf)

Co-lead: study design, provide eDNA temporal Gulf datasets; species-specific eDNA laboratory work.

Melissa Morrison (DFO-Maritimes)

Project coordination and data manager; statistical analysis; data interpretation and report/publication writing.

Geneviève Parent (DFO-Québec)

Provide eDNA temporal Québec datasets; Advice on biological and physical factors on eDNA detection and reporting data.

Nellie Gagné (DFO-Gulf)

Advice on species-specific eDNA laboratory method and AIS eDNA detection.

Renée Bernier (DFO-Gulf)

Advice on AIS detection and field sampling support.

Claudio DiBacco (DFO-Maritimes)

Advice on AIS detection, life history interpretation, field sampling.

Marc Trudel (DFO-Maritimes)

Advice on fish ecology and distribution.

Marion Chevrinais (DFO-Québec)

Advice on statistics; knowledge of AIS in the Gulf of St. Lawrence.

Catalina Gomez (DFO-Maritimes)

Link the online proposed tool to the Spatial Reproducible Reporting tool.

Meghan McBride (DFO-Maritimes)

Laboratory expertise and advice for protocol standardization.

Kathleen MacGregor (DFO-Québec)

Provide temporal eDNA metabarcoding datasets from the Magdalen Islands (Québec).

Anne-Laure Ferchaud (Parks Canada)

Advice for interoperability of eDNA tools among sectors.

Nick Jeffery (DFO-Maritimes)

Provide temporal eDNA metabarcoding datasets from the Scotian Shelf (Halifax, NS).

Maelle Sevellec (Post-doctoral Fellow)

Provide temporal Arctic eDNA metabarcoding datasets.

Erin Grey (University of Maine)

eDNA expert, effect of larval period of decapods on eDNA, AIS US policy.

Michael Kinnison (University of Maine)

Provide eDNA temporal Maine datasets from Maine-eDNA program, eDNA expert, US eDNA monitoring programs (e.g., eDNA MBON), US policy.

Phoebe Jekielek (PhD Candidate, University of Maine)

Developing eDNA tools to monitor reproduction and recruitment processes in aquaculture and wild shellfisheries.

Emily Lancaster (PhD Candidate, University of Maine)

Seasonal changes in eDNA related to abundance of invasive species, specifically coffin-box bryozoans in the Gulf of Maine.

Brandon Henry (PhD Candidate, University of Maine)

Knowledge of biological and physical factors affecting blue crab eDNA.

Julia Sunnarborg (PhD Candidate, University of Maine)

Knowledge of biological and physical factors affecting blue crab eDNA.

Tim Barrett (DFO-Maritimes)

Statistician; development of statistical methods to delineate optimal eDNA detection windows and obtain measures of variation.

Jasmin Robitaille

Graphic designer and website functionality. See his work here.


R Shiny app development. See their work here.