Software Projects

sim_bug_tools - Python 3.9

A toolkit for exploring bugs in software simulations using a geometric approach. The toolkit is implemented as a Python 3.9 module.

scenarioxp - Python 3.9
(Coming Soon)

A complete black-box meta-heuristic scenario-based targeted testing regime which explores and exploits the geometric properties of scenarios. 

scenarioxp is implemented as a Python 3.9 module that utilizes sim_bug_tools for practical applications.

SUMO - Scenic Interface

This is a developmental version of SUMO Traffic Simulator interface for Scenic 2.0.0. This version of the Scenic-Sumo project is submitted to IEEE MOST 2023.

Modular and Measuable AV Scenarios in M-SDL

Our goal is to validate the decision making layer of autonomous vehicles (AV). This repo is one of many steps in that journey. Here, we construct logical scenarios called "atomic blocks" from a dataset of function scenarios using the Measurable Scenario Description Language (M-SDL) by Fortellix.

Interpretable AI Module for Scenario-Based Testing
(Coming Soon)

A python module which implements interpretable Artificial Intelligence (AI ) on tabular data for scenario-based testing datasets

This will include two data models, Random Forest, and a Categorical Boosted Tree, as well as implementing Shapley Additive Values for analysis of feature impact.

Integrated Scenario-Based Testing and Explanation Framework for Autonomous Vehicles

Source code and examples for our paper subission to IEEE MOST 2024 "An Integrated Scenario-Based Testing and Explanation Framework for Autonomous Vehicles" 

This utilizes a developmental version of our autonomous vehicle testing and interpretation strategy.