Gospel to Eastern Ukraine
OUR VISION: from Kharkiv to the rest of Eastern Ukraine
We believe that being a Christian means engaging with the world around us and transforming it towards the end to which God has created it, namely to live for God and His presence. We believe, that it is possible only through the work of the Holy Spirit, and the goal is to bring more people to come to Christ. This involves calling to true repentance from sins, through the preaching of the Word of God from the pulpit, as well as through preaching by means of works of mercy and personal Godly behavior.
We believe that being a Christian means engaging with the world around us and transforming it towards the end to which God has created it, namely to live for God and His presence. We believe, that it is possible only through the work of the Holy Spirit, and the goal is to bring more people to come to Christ. This involves calling to true repentance from sins, through the preaching of the Word of God from the pulpit, as well as through preaching by means of works of mercy and personal Godly behavior.
Our weekly ministries circle around the goal of reaching others with the Gospel and then helping them grow in a knowledge and love of our Triune God.
Our weekly ministries circle around the goal of reaching others with the Gospel and then helping them grow in a knowledge and love of our Triune God.
Our Vision is to do this in Kharkiv and beyond. In Kharkiv, we already have Christians who are successfully working to this end for 20 years. They are ready to continue this work all over Eastern Ukraine. These are National Ukrainian Christians who desire for the Gospel to spread through their home city and beyond.
Our Vision is to do this in Kharkiv and beyond. In Kharkiv, we already have Christians who are successfully working to this end for 20 years. They are ready to continue this work all over Eastern Ukraine. These are National Ukrainian Christians who desire for the Gospel to spread through their home city and beyond.