Gordon Ramsay's MasterClass is an online course where the renowned chef shares his expertise and culinary techniques. The course offers in-depth lessons on various aspects of cooking, from kitchen setup and buying fresh ingredients to knife skills and preparation techniques. With lifetime access to each class, participants can learn at their own pace and refer back to the lessons whenever they need.

 The MasterClass is divided into chapters focusing on a specific cooking topic. In the first class, Gordon Ramsay provides insights into his home kitchen and teaches fundamental cooking techniques. The second MasterClass focuses on restaurant-inspired recipes, where Ramsay demonstrates how to prep, plate, and pair dishes that impress guests.

 Reviews of the Gordon Ramsay MasterClass generally praise the quality and depth of the content. The course consists of 20 video lessons, with an average runtime of approximately 11 minutes per lesson. Participants also receive a class cookbook as part of the learning materials.