Waveguide Design and optimization

PhontonD simulation package FIMMWAVE is used for all waveguide designs for required wavelengths. Photonic elements are build in PhotonD and simulation runs and scans are automated by connecting to Python scripts. Solid core (SC) waveguide thickness (d1) and width is optimized for maximum coupling between fundamental mode of the fiber used in the lab (F-SA) and that of the ARROW waveguide. The coupling tolerance of the fiber position is also calculated. (A few examples of programs used for simulation runs, scans and a few mode analysis that I made can be found here.)

SC sandwich waveguide cross section

SC-LC waveguide intersection cross section (Focus iron beam + SEM)

Other waveguide parameters are also optimized to have maximum mode coupling efficiency between the solid core and liquid core waveguide. Hear a "Sandwich waveguide" design is shown as an example. Contour maps are used to suggest our fabrication groups a reasonable range of the dimensions to aim for.

MMI waveguide dimensions (rough) are first set using the analytical equation and then fine tuned by scanning the model using FIMMPROP simulations. Optimum lengths of the MMI waveguide is decided from analysis of the interference pattern at different positions.