Google Drive Help | Google Drive Storage Issue

Google Drive Help

How to Fix Google Drive Not Working?

If your Google Drive Not working properly, and you are unable to access your Backup & Files, such as videos, photos, and MS Office documents? Then you should not worry. The concerns or problems can occur due to plenty of reasons. Such as Internet or Wi-Fi Connection, Caches & Cookies, File Size issue, and so on. Then follow the below-mentioned easy methods & learn How to Fix Google Drive Not Working?

Simple Methods to Fix Google Drive Not Working Issue:

Method 1: Verify Internet Connection:

Whether you are accessing your Google Drive on your Android phone or iOS device or Computer, firstly you should check the Internet connection or Wi-Fi connection (or mobile data on your mobile device).

Method 2: Clearing the Caches & Cookies:

If still, Google Drive Not Working, then you should try to clear your web browser cache and cookies and then try again to access your Google Drive.

Method 3: Restart Google Drive:

If still, you are failing to sync or backup, or share files from your Google Drive? Then try to quit & restart the application on your Android phone or iOS device or Computer.

Method 4: Verify the File Size:

Verify that is that the file not too large to be opened. If yes, then you should compress the file size.

Method 5: Try incognito mode:

After applying the above methods, still Google drive is not responding so just, try the incognito mode of the chrome browser.

Method 6: Disable the plug-ins:

Sometimes, due to the corrupted plugins, Google drive doesn’t work so before starting Google Drive user must remove or disable the plugins from the web browser.

Method 7: Clear the storage space:

Sometimes, due to the over space Google drive doesn’t work so after visiting Google drive, just clear some space.

Method 8: Disable the Antivirus & firewall:

Due to the higher security, Google Drive doesn’t load into the web browser so before starting Google drive try to disable your antivirus & firewall from any desktop or laptop.

Method 9: Clear the History, Cookies & Cache:

Sometimes, due to bad cookies, cache or heavily loaded history Google Drive doesn’t respond so before doing anything, just remove all the history.

How to Fix Google Drive Refuse to Connect

Google Drive refuse to connect in Android

It could happen that after opening an add-on in Google Sheets, the program crashes with the message declined to connect. This is a recognized problem with Google Sheets, and it most commonly arises when a user logs into many Google accounts simultaneously in the same Google Sheet. The Google add-on's sidebar may show a grey screen with the message drive if your default Google account is not the one that is connected to it. So, let’s find out the steps required to Google Drive refuse to connect

If you think you are signed-in with multiple accounts, we request you to visit this link immediately. It ( will help you to immediately sign-out of multiple Google accounts. Most probably, you are you are still facing login issues with Google Drive due to permission conflict between Google user accounts inside Google Sheets and Google Forms. 

Also, we request you to dial the helpline number for contacting the support professionals. These professionals have been able to attain words of intense appreciations from millions of users across the globe. They will be welcoming you in troubleshooting Google Drive refuse to connect.

How to fix Google Drive not downloading files after Zipping?

Is your Google Drive not downloading files after Zipping?

There could be some sort of technical glitch as a result of which you may be facing Google Drive files downloading issue. If that is so then there are different ways through which the issue can be resolved. Quickly follow different troubleshooting methods and then certainly one would work for you to get the issue resolved.

Different ways to fix Google Drive Files Downloading Issue

Quickly Restart the Computer

First thing which the users should do is restart the computer. It could be that there could be some corrupted files which restarting the computer should resolve it.

Clear the cache, cookies, and history

It could be that there could be some temporary files stored in your computer as a result of which you may be facing the issue. All you need to do is go to the settings icon and clear the entire cache, cookies, and history from the browser and then try accessing the Google drive account.

Switch to some other browser

Due to some compatibility issue your Google drive may not be opening. Simply switch the browser in such cases which should then solve your problem.

Check your login credentials

Due to invalid credentials, you may be facing the issue. Users can simply check their login credentials in such cases which should then solve your problem.