Google Account Recovery Page Verify Identity

Google Account Recovery Page verify Identity

Forgotten passwords are frustrating but when it comes to Gmail passwords, account recovery is just a few minutes task. No matter, whether you have linked your phone number or alternate email with the current Gmail account or not, Google always have the best possible recovery option ready for you under any situation. All you need to do is verify your true identity in Gmail account and your account is recovered!!

Let’s have a quick look at how you can verify your identity and recover the Google account quickly!

1. Verify Identity in Google Account by Phone Number

This is the fastest, easiest, and safest method of account verification and recovery. As under the phone number option, you can recover your account via two methods

2. By Tapping yes on Your Phone or Tablet

If your phone number is linked with your Google account, you just need to tap yes on the sign-in notification that Google sends on your mobile phone or tablet whichever is associated with the Google account. Once you click on the yes tab on your phone, you don’t have to even reset the password. Google allow you to sign-in directly without even resetting your password.

3. Reset the Password via Phone Number

If you use more than one number and different numbers are associated with different Google accounts, then you just need to enter the associated phone number in the number field under forgot password tab and Google will send a 6-digit code via text message on this number. Just enter this code in the provided field. Once the codes get accepted, you will be provided the option to reset your password.

4. Google Account Recovery by Alternate Email

This option comes into the picture when you don’t have your phone number linked with your Google account. Under this, Google verifies your identity via your alternate recovery email that you provide at the time of account set up. All you need to do is contact Google Support 1-866-719-1006  or enter the recovery email associated with your Google account, copy-paste the 6-digit verification code sent on this email. You can connect Google at to verify account. Once, Google is convinced about your identity, you will get the option to reset your password.

5. Google Account Recovery by Security Questions

If you haven’t set up the phone number as a recovery option and confused that which email is linked with your Google account, then security questions will rescue you. To get the security questions option, just skip the phone number and email option and you will be asked to provide correct answers to questions that were set up at the time of account creation. Just answer those questions and your account will be recovered.

How to Verify Google Account?

Google account is used regularly by billions of people globally. Sometimes there can be issues for which you might need to verify the account with this technology company. It is easy to verify the account whenever there is any security issue if you own the account. This team usually looks to confirm the account is never hacked by some other person and that is why keeps the security update.

These are the simple steps one should follow to verify the account with this email service provider. In case, you have any doubts, you can check out the general questions and answers available on the help page. Sometimes, you can consult the support team to get proper assistance whenever you want to verify Google account. You can seek assistance 24/7 without any hesitation at all. It is always helpful for the users.

How do I Contact Google to Verify my Account?

Google is a top-notch technological company. It is always striving to improve the experience of its users without hampering the security part. It helps users to create accounts and secure them properly. It is always conscious about the security so that the users never suffer. The hackers are around the globe and they play around with the security part of many top companies, and that is where this company keeps its users untouched.

Google Verify your Identity

While creating the account you will get an email from this exciting company in the email address of the alternative account. You can open the email and get a verification code to verify it. Sometimes when you find it difficult to do yourself then you can do the following:

Contact Google for Verification

Verifying the account is simple. Still, this company knows that users can face issues and that is why it has kept an active customer care team. Google account verification is something that secures the account of the users. The support team is there 24/7 to help users with the verification process whenever they feel they have stumbled. The experts have huge technological brains to help the users very easily. Always double-check to ensure that the account is verified.

How do I Verify my Google Account Without my Old Phone?

Google has always mesmerized people with technology. This top technology company has always helped users to have a good emailing experience. It has got competitors like Outlook and Yahoo Mail but it has come a long way to be ahead of them. It has always made it smooth for users to access their accounts easily. 

Sometimes people are stuck while verifying their Google account without the old phone number. This post is going to be helpful for such people to find out new ways to bypass this method very easily. Verifying an account without a phone is very simple. Here are a few ways that you should definitely try.

These are the various ways you can bypass the old phone method. These ways of handling the verification ensure that the users have good security. It ensures that the email account does not go to the wrong hands. 

With all these top methods we think that questions like how do I verify my Google account without my old phone? should not be there anymore in the minds of the users after going through this post. For any other queries, you can also connect with the support agents of this exciting customer care team.

What is the Google Account Recovery Method?

Google account is the most used email account all around the world. Most of Google’s products and services need this account. However, some of the users face trouble when they forget their account password. The situation is very stressful. The giant tech company Google, opened various methods to recover its account. Recovering the account is very simple as it involves a few steps. Let’s take a look at the account recovery process. 

Google Account Recovery without Recovery Emails:

Users can also use the security questions option to reset their accounts. Otherwise, if users forget their username can also recover their username from the Google account login page. Just click on ‘Forget email’ and enter the recovery phone number or recovery email associated with your Google Account. After that, get a verification email or text message at the recovery option. Go for Google account recovery by entering the code. Users can contact the company’s representatives if face trouble during the recovery process.

How to Reactivate your Google Account?

Have you forgotten your Google account, but now need to use it? Do not worry at all. The entire reactivation process is straightforward. The situations can be categorized into two significant heads: deleted accounts and suspended accounts.

Restoring a Google Account That Has just been Deleted

Well, you can still recover an account you recently deleted from Google. Google has a time frame for this, but you have to act and act fast. Here's how.

Restoring a Google Account that is Suspended

If you have a Google Account that was recently temporarily suspended because you violated the terms of service provided by Google, then reactivation follows a different process. Here's how you proceed:


To reactivate the Google account, however, one has to know whether the Google account was deleted or if it was suspended. Better chances of the account being reactivated may appear after reading the following steps and information on why the account was suspended. The best thing to do is to create strong passwords and get knowledgeable about Google's regulations to be sure of account safety in the further days.

How Do I Reactivate a Gmail Account?

Did you are ever in trouble with your Gmail Account? No need to worry because retrieving your Gmail account or reactivating it is just a piece of cake usually. I will show you, step by step guide to reactivate Gmail account again. We suggest Gmail users have a habit of logging in regularly. If possible, always keep your account updated with recovery info. Google might deactivate your Gmail account if you stay inactive for a long period of time.

Steps to Reactivate a Gmail Account

To begin with, bring up the Google Account Recovery Page to initiate the process.

Important Things to Know

Gmail account holders must keep in mind that if their account was disabled for policy breaches, there could be limits on appeal submissions. If all else fails, consider crafting a new account. If you manage to follow the reactivate Gmail account instructions correctly, you might be able to retrieve your Gmail account, in no time. Keep those recovery options updated for smoother sailing down the line. In the end, we would like to advise Gmail users to have high-security passwords and other preventive measures to save Gmail accounts from future mishaps.

Reactivate and Verify Google Account

Google users who are facing an issue in recovering their recently deleted Google account and don't comprehend how to Reactivate Google Account and what to do! Those users need to worry about it. It's possible to still reactivate your account by helping a recovery account process which is easier.  After that, you can regain access to your account and data as usual by following the steps.

How can I reactivate my Google Account?

Here are a few simple steps are given to reactivate or regain your Google Account.

Hence, in case, users face trouble with their account recovery is disabled, so then they can contact Google customer support professionals to assist them and restore their access quickly.