
EPIC Beginings

This is the first version of goofy games I ever posted. I made this for me and this one kid (Grady)  so we could acces the games we liked easier. I published this on febuary 9th 2023

Getting bigger 

Started Adding more Games and the player count increases.


Added my First Movies

Big Changes

My site was starting to get bigger I added a suggestions page and added images for my biggest games instead of buttons

100 Games + Competition

I finally hit 100 games on march 11 2023. However not everything was good people were still playing on classroom6x and this one kid named matthew (he is an opp) started creating his own webiste.

Weird Change

This one girl named vannessa told me If I said she was cool she would play on my site everyday. This has since be removed.

April 2023

April was pretty uneventful for my site I added more movies.

Site Layout changes and tragedy

My website was at its peak but then everything fell. My site had been blocked. goofy games wasn't my top priority at this time but I was still upset. My site was now banned this was the worst time of the school year. That was not the end.

They Thought they could stop me

The day was may 19th 2023. Goofy Games had been blocked may 16th but I rebranded. I had lost a decent chunk of my player base but I was back and happy.

Tradegy strikes again

I was back it was good. Howevery on May 24 2023 Goofier Games had been blocked. I had been blocked again multiple people clowned on me at school but I knew I had to make a change

How Long it lasted

Goofy Games/Goofier Games lasted

103 days, 22 hours, 35 minutes 

That is the time from  Feb. 9, 2023, 3:34:PM and May. 24, 2023, 2:09: PM 

Here We are

I decide to name my new site Goofy Classroom for 3 reasons

1 Goofiest Games was already taken

2 I think the word games get banned

3 My site is more then just games I plan on adding a lot more stuff too my site

Something cool

I posted a video on tiktok to promotethe website and it went viral kinda

I also added a chat room and some other stuff


My video got taken down when it was still getting likes it got taken down at like 400k Views

How Popular my site has become

As of 12/23/2023 Im at 17K users and the video I posted added like 15K of those users (I probally wont talk about numbers for a long time again)