Continuity of Learning with Art

Object Collage

Today I will find objects, so that I can make an object collage. I know I have it when the objects are put into a circular rainbow pattern.

*Look for objects all around your house and even outside. Arrange them in a large circle... starting with red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple.

*If you'd like to take it a step further, add the intermediate colors into the circle... red-orange, yellow-orange, yellow-green, blue-green, blue-violet, and red-violet.

Magazine Collages

Today I will cut pictures from a magazine, so that I can make a paper collage. I know I have it when I glue small pieces of paper together to make a picture.

*Ideas might be: a letter collage, a rainbow collage, a color wheel collage, a picture of an object - a piece of fruit, an animal, etc.

Art & Science

With all the rain we've been getting, my family has seen quite a few beautiful rainbows! Here are some fun Art & Science activities to try using the "rainbow"!

Today I will use red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple colors, so that I can create a rainbow pattern. I know I have it when my colors are in the correct order!

Summer Silhouettes

Sunsets might be one of the most beautiful things to watch. The colors change and blend from one to the next!

Today I will use black and bright colors, so that I can create a silhouette. I know I have it when, the background is colored with bright colors and the foreground (object in front) is solid black.

*You can use paint, colored pencils, crayons, or even cut construction paper out to make your silhouette.

*Sit outside one evening with your family and watch as the sun sets! Write down all the different colors and patterns that the sunset makes... you can use those colors to create your picture!