Ways to Donate

Amazon Smile

You sign up for amazon smile here to have your everyday purchases benefit our organization, the Goodhue Education Foundation and we will donate the profits back to projects that benefit the school.

Get Yourself Some Spirit Wear

Click here to check out all the awesome spirit wear for you and your family.

Donate to Our Auction

We are always looking for items to auction off in our silent and live auctions during the spring. Let us know if you have any items that can benefit our auction.

Crew 253

This is an annual giving program, which makes it easy and effortless to donate. There are different levels of what you can choose to donate. Such as...

Platinum: $253

Gold: $100

Silver: $50

Come to Our Events

Coming to our events is a simple way to show support, even if you can't donate, showing up means a lot to us too.


We are always looking for donations to help put money back to the school and to help us have the means to put on fundraisers. If interested in doing this, you can send money to:

PO Box 96

Goodhue, MN 55027