Then I would set-up a budget to match the income I will have each month (and I could set it so I could see a year at a time). Then when we actually got paid I would input the transaction into our checking account to show the deposit and then use a fill template to allocate the income into the proper envelopes. The templates were set-up/balanced against the budget so that I know that the income/budget/fills will all balance.

Yah I agree. I had to set-up my whole budget in Excel and a fill plan and figure out all of the calculations over the year to make sure all my envelopes were going to be fully funded (since we do a monthly budget and get paid every 2 weeks so we have a couple months with 3 pay periods) and that everything balanced. It was so nice that Mvelopes did all that for me and that I could easily see that everything balanced across the year. It took me hours and I had a headache by the end of it.

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This will let you keep track of the balance for each individual Envelope, as well as for each group as a whole. You can read more about using Envelope Groups here: How do I Group my Envelopes? | Goodbudget

Hi @Tiffany,

This thread of questions is very similar to what I am looking for here. My partner and I each contribute to the monthly bills but also have a portion of our incomes that we spend and save in our own individual accounts. I would be interested to know if it had been considered to have unique logins to the same budget account where there were both shared envelopes & accounts, and personal/private envelopes & accounts as well.

My partner and I each contribute to the monthly bills but also have a portion of our incomes that we spend and save in our own individual accounts. I would be interested to know if it had been considered to have unique logins to the same budget account where there were both shared envelopes & accounts, and personal/private envelopes & accounts as well.

I really like goodbudget and like the transaction import even more but I really need it to be able to match transactions so I can identify discrepancies such as transactions I forgot to add, double added, or had a typo on.

Goodbudget is a budgeting app that relies on the traditional envelope system to help users budget their monthly expenses. This app is a great fit for consumers who want to organize their priorities and get ahead financially.

Goodbudget provides excellent reporting tools to show your income against your spending, and how it varies month to month. In the app, there are easy-to-read graphs that can help you understand your spending habits.

You can use the app entirely for free, and be able to access nearly all of the same functions without paying for them. Paying for Goodbudget Plus provides expanded capabilities, compared to the free version. Here is a breakdown of the available features, and the differences between the free and paid versions:

Along with a well-designed app, Goodbudget has a library of resources to help you get out of debt and handle major life milestones such as starting a family, getting married, buying a house or saving for college. These resources include podcasts, structured courses and articles addressing major financial events.

The YNAB app will cost you $14.99 a month after a 34-day free trial period or $99 a year, and there is no free version. Although they follow the same basic strategy, YNAB allows you to do far more than just budget and is the best choice for those who need complete money management support. YNAB is better for individuals, while Goodbudget is ideal for families.

Goodbudget offers both a free and a paid version. The free version of Goodbudget comes with 10 regular and 10 other envelopes, one year of history, debt tracking, community support and access on up to two devices. The premium version, Goodbudget Plus, costs $8 a month or $70 a year and includes unlimited envelopes and accounts, five devices and seven years of history.

Goodbudget uses many safety features to protect your account and information. The app is secured with 256-bit encryption and does not share your personal information with third parties. And because Goodbudget does not link with bank accounts, it will never have access to your login credentials for these.

Step No. 1 is to plan a household budget. Step No. 2 is living your budget. To do this, your mindset and your habits play critical roles in how well your budgeting efforts will serve your goals. There may be money habits you need to improve, which the right app can help you do.

This seemed like the simplest app for manually tracking spend against a budget, doing the math for me so I can pay close attention to spending and adjust as envelopes dwindle. But so far nothing is working the way I would expect. Can someone clarify where in this workflow I am creating the error? Or is this a known error in the app? Thanks~

Good Morning! My wife and I bought our first home 6 months ago, and since then I have this uneasy feeling that we're slowly sinking deeper into debt each month. It's slow enough that it's not alarming, and my wife feels confident in our financial situation, but I believe we're definitely spending more money each month than we make. I am trying to get a grip on this before it escalates, and tracking our expenses and starting a budget seemed like the obvious path to proceed. After some googling and reading over at r/personalfinance I found two apps that got my attention, one is GoodBudget and the other is YNAB. They both use the same envelope system, and the ideology behind the two software seems very similar. Clearly there's a big active community behind YNAB, their team seems to be producing a lot of content and overall it seems like a lot more established name in the budgeting World. Currently I am using the free version of GoodBudget, which is a solid experience, I love their IOS app, their web app, the reports etc. but it only allows me to create 10 envelopes and 1 account, which is simply not enough. I know eventually I will have to go with the full version, and their yearly subscription is only $50 compared to YNAB's $84 (which is around $100 Canadian). I am planning to track my transactions manually, that's why I never really looked into Mint, the idea of connecting my bank accounts to a third party app doesn't sit well with me. So if you have experience using both, is there an obvious reason to choose YNAB over GoodBudget? I guess I'm just having a hard time with the idea of shelling out $100 Canadian a year for a service that helps save money. Thank you :)

There are several types of budgeting strategies and tools you can use to help get your financial house in order. Creating a budget and using an app to keep you accountable to your spending and saving goals is key to hitting all of your long-term financial goals.

Good for couples and families who want to merge their finances. Zeta offers a number of features that make it an ideal app for budgeting with others in your household. The app offers both personal and joint accounts that allow you to pay bills, save for goals, and track shared expenses, and even offers in-app messaging to communicate with your partner or other members of your family about your budget. Zeta has an average mobile app rating of 4.4 and also offers two-factor authentication and data encryption to keep your data extra safe.

About: Formerly known as Truebill, Rocket Money is a budgeting app that serves more than 3.4 million members worldwide and offers budgeting tools, bill negotiation services, and more.

Good for those who are looking to cut down on their monthly costs. Rocket Money allows users to create a budget that automatically monitors spending, separates transactions into spending categories, sends notifications about upcoming charges or a low balance, and more. The app also offers bank-level security with 256-bit encryption to keep your personal data safe. Rocket Money is free to use, although there are optional services, like bill negotiation, that you can opt in to for an extra cost ranging from $3 to $12 monthly. The good news: Using the negotiation service to cut down on your monthly spending could help you cover the cost of a premium membership. And if your mortgage is serviced by Rocket Mortgage, you get full access to Rocket Money Premium for free.

About: EveryDollar is a budgeting app founded by Ramsey Solutions that helps users create a fully customizable budget and set financial goals, with additional perks for premium users.

Good for those who are creating a budget for the first time. EveryDollar is a straightforward, easy-to-use budgeting app that allows users to create a customizable budget and set savings goals. Users can opt to upgrade to a premium account (for an added cost) which comes with additional benefits like bank connectivity, paycheck planning, group financial coaching, custom budget reports, smart tracking recommendations, and more. One downside: This app offers mobile and desktop platforms; however, EveryDollar notes that users should budget from their computer for the best-quality experience.

Good for couples who want to manage their personal finances and joint finances in one place. Honeydue made our list for its zero-dollar annual cost, account syncing capabilities, and for making it easy for couples to budget together and manage their individual finances as well. Honeydue supports over 20,000 financial institutions across five countries and even offers a Honeydue joint bank account that is FDIC-insured through Sutton Bank. Couples can chat within the app about their financial goals, transactions, and more, making it easy to flag any potential errors and get on the same page about their financial habits.

Good for those who like to keep an eye on their progress. Wally took a spot on our list for giving users the opportunity to create a free budget and have access to progress trackers as they work toward hitting their financial goals. Users can also sync their account with other members in their households to give everyone an overview of their spending habits and goals. Wally may also be an ideal app for those who spend time abroad. The app allows you to sync and manage foreign bank accounts across 70 countries. ff782bc1db

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