Empowering our child

Empowering our child to be a future leader

True leaders do not produce followers; they produce more leaders. Anyone who transforms difficulty into an opportunity through invention generates wealth. Babaji Vidhyahram School, one of the good schools in Chennai, creates hundreds of future leaders every year. Let us discuss how to empower a child to develop leadership qualities.

Everything You Need to Know About Appreciation and Recognition

All children have a desire to be recognized and praised for their efforts. You may have to wait for a significant event to be eligible for rewards; however, if it becomes part of the school's culture to regularly reward the child for her achievement in school and co-school activities, then it will not take long for students to volunteer for leadership roles in the future because they are already given numerous opportunities on a regular basis. The teachers have the mindset that it is their job to stretch, pull and mould their students.

Importance of Role Models & Self-confidence

One of the most impressive characteristics of a leader is the ability to articulate a vision for the future and encourage people to participate in co-creating that vision. Schools organize their extracurricular activities and events in such a way that students begin to prioritize the needs and interests of others over their own. From the beginning of preschool, children at this school are exposed to various projects and businesses that teach them to be charismatic leaders, effective communicators, risk takers, master organizers, and strategic planners.

The concept of confidence is generally associated with the ability to maintain composure in front of an audience; however, the flip side of confidence is the ability to persevere in the face of the most difficult circumstances. Children are prepared and trained at school to respond positively and optimistically to challenges. Instead, you need to help them adopt a creative mindset as they search for answers to complex questions and problems.

An Overview on Students as Potential Future Leaders

Students receive instruction at schools in the many facets of leadership that are relevant to them. It is anticipated that a student will act as an ambassador for the core principles of a particular school. Their duties include communicating with teachers and students, public speaking at assemblies and other school events, and writing for the school magazine. They are expected to be approachable, trustworthy and dependable in fulfilling these responsibilities. Every student is strongly encouraged to participate in various extracurricular activities outside the classroom, including sports, music, and debate, and to serve as positive role models for other students in terms of their behaviour and conduct.

Students are taught to pay close attention to what their classmates say. Teachers have a clearer picture of student interactions with one another due to this, particularly about free talk. It inspires concern for classmates and provides students with the tools they need to become more responsible. They are motivated by the Directors of schools, who provide them with energizing lectures that focus on topics such as responsibility, teamwork, persistence, initiative, empathy and optimism, as well as presentations on practical topics related to the safety and well-being of students.

Final Thoughts

In the end, leadership is not about performing heroic acts for glory. Babaji Vidhyashram School, one of the good schools in Chennai, keeps the team focused on a goal and motivated to do everything possible to achieve that goal, especially in situations where the stakes are high and the repercussions will have a significant impact. It's about paving the way for others to achieve and then standing back to admire their accomplishments while doing your part.