Complete List of foods to eat When you have Diabetes

help you decide which foods are healthy to eat when you have diabetes

This guide is to help you decide which foods are healthy to eat when you have diabetes plan and plan some more. That's our target for controlling the sugar —and it's especially helpful when you're choosing the right food for a chronic condition, such as type 2 diabetes. Creating a complete plan of delicious balanced foods for both meals and snacks will help you to lower down your A1C and support your overall health. When you go to the grocery store with a list—that you've made thinking of budget and meal planning—you can reduce food waste and save money. So what are the best foods to choose for you ? Here we have given complete list of foods to eat when you have diabetes.


Whole grains, such as oats, are better for your blood sugar (the fiber helps minimize spiking) and may actually help improve insulin sensitivity. Oats contain fiber in the form of beta-glucans, which are the soluble fibers that cause oats to bulk up in liquid. Soluble fiber regulates blood sugar by slowing down the breakdown and absorption of carbohydrates from other foods you eat. Studies have also shown oats can help improve blood pressure, cholesterol and fasting insulin levels. 🍅


Beans are loaded with fiber and protein to keep you feeling full. Beans are also a source of carbohydrates, with about 20 grams of carbs per half-cup serving. One Canadian study showed that people who added a cup or more of beans to their diets every day had better control of their blood sugar and lowered their blood pressure. Beans are inexpensive and incredibly versatile. Mix things up by adding different varieties, such as black, pinto, garbanzo or cannellini beans, to veggie-packed salads and soups..


Broccoli-and other cruciferous foods, such as kale, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts-all contain a compound called sulforaphane. This anti-inflammatory compound helps control blood sugar and protects blood vessels from damage associated with diabetes. Broccoli is not only low in calories and carbs-1 cup of cooked chopped florets has just 55 calories and 11 grams of carbohydates-but it also packs a lot of nutrients, including vitamin C and iron. You can feel free to fill half your plate with this good-for-you green veggie.


This protein-rich whole grain is a great substitute for white pasta or white rice. It contains 3 grams of fiber and 4 grams of protein per 1/2-cup serving of cooked quinoa. The boost of fiber and protein means quinoa gets digested slowly, which keeps you full and stops your blood sugar from spiking. Quinoa is also considered a complete protein, because it contains all nine essential amino acids, needed to build muscle, which is rare for plant-based protein sources. Plus, it's rich in minerals, such as iron and magnesium.


Not only is salmon high in protein, but it's also rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which can help keep your heart healthy by lowering blood pressure and improving cholesterol levels. Other types of fatty fish that contain omega-3 fatty acids, such as tuna, mackerel and sardines, can also provide these protective effects, which are especially important for people with diabetes, who are also at a greater risk for cardiovascular disease.


This fragrant spice has been used ever since to lower cholesterol and keep blood sugar more stable. Simply 0.25 teaspoon of cinnamon per day improved fasting blood sugar and cholesterol levels in one study published in the journal Diabetes Care, and other studies have shown similar effects. Get your cinnamon fix by sprinkling it into smoothies, yogurt, oatmeal or even your coffee. Another plus for cinnamon? It adds flavor to your food without adding sugar or salt.

Now Let's see some of the foods you should AVOID while you have diabetes

When you have diabetes, Many foods can fit in your diet. But you want to choose some foods less often.

Foods you may want to avoid are as follows:

  • sugar-sweetened beverages, like soda and sports drinks

  • packaged pastries and baked goods

  • refined grain products like white bread (choose whole grains instead)

  • sweetened fruits (look for unsweetened dried, canned and frozen fruits)

  • processed meats, including hot dogs, sausages and bacon

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