The Golf Score Master

The main point.

I am the creator of this project and the main point of this project is to make sure the game of golf is always clean without cheaters. 

The Parts of Suceed

The project is made out of two part.  Part one is a app made from a website called flutterflow and that part is having a app so you don't have to buy a machine that help track it. The second part is made out of two part one from the adafuit screen and the secind one is the boron 404x.

The Boron 404x

The boron 404x act like a control center of the whole second part and it storer it data in a special things called the Firebase. The Firebase save the data so player cah see their history. The boron 404x also will shoot out signal to the sky to get internet.

The Ada Fruit Screen

The screen have three buttons each edit with its unique thing like when you code it you can change the way the button go andd what the button do. The screen can display anything and os very useful for coding.


The Google Firebase store all of my project datas into it and saves it so the pkayer can have a chance to look at how juch they got last week or even last year. The data base can halp us detect error and store a lots of datas.