Stop letting your mental game ruin your skill and ability to perform well on the golf course. You have the skill to shoot lower scores! You need to master the mental game to see these skills come to fruition. Order our eBook: The Golf Mental Game Blueprint today and begin implementing the lessons and strategies taught.

Learn how to make a better golf swing that generates more power, consistency and eliminates common golf swing faults such as slices, hooks, fat and thin shots. Have more fun on the golf course making it easier to shoot lower scores and break 100, 90, 80 and beyond.

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When you strip the golf swing down to its core objectives, all golfers irrespective of their ability, right from the best players in the world, down to a golfer holding a club for the first time are only trying to do two simple things.

Understanding the Optimal Impact Position. The position which we need to reach to control the clubface through impact is something that every golfer on the planet should, at the very least, be aware of and at best spend their practice time perfecting. Because trying to play the game that we all know and love without this critical information is akin to willfully banging your head against a wall!

So, to play golf and not know where the Optimal Impact Position is, is rather like setting off on a road trip without knowing where your destination is. It will be an interesting journey but you will probably end up at a different destination each time! They say that even a blind chicken finds corn, occasionally! As does the hapless golfer who occasionally hits a good

So here goes! In a golf swing we rotate around our spine but the center of the club head arc is the lead shoulder, and the main lever in a golf swing is comprised of the lead arm and the club shaft. In order to reach the Optimal Impact Position and control the club face until after the ball has been struck, all the golfer needs to do is reach impact with their Main Lever ahead of the Line of Tension. You can see in Image 1 on the page below the main lever is

A lot of my previous research (much unpublished) was on golf biomechanics and its the only sport that I am better than average at yet I never write about it. So to rectify that I have attached an ebook. Its nothing special, this information is out there, but it does bring a lot together for those interested.I did a talk last year on this topic and have some of the rough notes I used. Below is 40 page ebook on the lecture.

The ebook is a simple overview of how the spine moves during the swing. It also reviews the academic literature on what kinematic variables of the swing are related to performance and what individual golfer variables are related to performance. Last, I touch on injury but this is a murky area and I mostly avoid it. We don't have a lot of good research on injury mechanism (like most areas) so feel free to make up whatever you like like everyone else does. :)

A related link is at the (Titleist Performance Institute) website. This is one of the best golf biomechanics/fitness websites around. They have a huge amount of free information and its mostly very good - especially their biomechanics.

Golf Turf Management provides information on major agronomic and economic topics related to building and maintaining a viable golf course. The book features basic and applied information on available grasses including selection and use; applied turfgrass physiology; soils and soil amendments; environmental concerns; and comprehensive information on turfgrass physiology, plant nutrition, turf fertilizers, and water management. It discusses managing turf diseases, insects, and weeds; turf cultural practices; managing greens and tees as well as corporate course management strategies.

Color photographs throughout illustrate concepts and topics including all major pest problems associated with golf courses and various agronomic practices necessary for successful and profitable course operation. The book suggests strategies to develop best management practices for golf courses including personnel and financial considerations when developing and implementing annual budgets, leasing versus buying equipment, and managing inventory.

This book features sixteen chapters organized in a logical sequence conducive for teaching and practical use. Drawing on the author's more than thirty years of experience and research, the author brings together a wealth of information on how to optimize golf turf management and performance. Golf Turf Management is the only complete, up-to-date text dedicated to agronomic practices and personnel management practices necessary for fiscal success.

Set against a background of the unique and often quirky world of golf in the early 1920s, Wodehouse produced a great collection of stories chronicling the loves and lives of golf fanatics. Starting around 1919 he wrote these golf stories regularly for both American and English magazines, and published two collections: The Clicking of Cuthbert (1922) and The Heart of a Goof (1926). He continued to write golf stories until the mid 1960s.

The book Positive Impact Golf is a must read for anyone who plays the game. It will declutter your mind and free you to develop your own potential at whatever level you play, weekend amateur through to young aspiring tour player. Brian Sparks, a British PGA Pro since 1967, helps you to demystify all of the standard golfing jargon and show you how easily you can swing a golf club and hit a ball. This book is the natural antidote to the over-complex, mechanical way that most golf teachers now think you need to be able to improve. Scientific research now proves that this is not the way we learn. After showing you the power of traditional misconceptions about the golf swing Brian goes on to give you simple advice about how to cope with the bad shots this game will always throw your way. It is easy to understand and will prove to be the best purchase you ever made for your game. Although essential reading for all golfers it is particularly valid for women and for any man in the senior division. For you, it will take a lot of the unnecessary effort away from your game and leave you able to play 18 holes and go on to play another 9 with a smile on your face!

Written for fitness professionals or golf pros interested in exercise, the information presented in this book is an in-depth, detailed look at how different systems in the body affect the game of golf.

Paul Chek, internationally respected Corrective and High-performance Exercise Kinesiologist, explains not only the mechanics of the golf game, but also the importance of proper self conditioning to achieve peak performance. Written for fitness professionals or golf pros interested in exercise, the information presented in this book is an in-depth, detailed look at how different systems in the body affect the game of golf.

Clients using the Whole in One formula have often added over 30 yards to their drive within three months! Why be on par with other golfers when The Golf Biomechanics Manual gives you the very tools to excel above the rest?

IHAVE written this book with the sole purpose of helping golfers to view the art of swinging a golf club and hitting a golf ball in a different light. You will read in these pages that I am convinced that certain traditional concepts make it difficult for you to tap into your natural ability to swing the club in a relaxed, rhythmical and effective manner with any degree of consistency.

In order for you to draw maximum benefit from reading it, and before I go any further, I strongly suggest you start a notebook to record anything you find meaningful in the following pages. Start by writing down your thoughts on how you should swing a golf club.

On the other hand, if you have played golf for any length of time I would like you to write down the main points you would focus on when giving some advice to a beginner, someone who has never held a club in their hands before. This person has no idea how to swing a club so your advice is likely to be very influential and long remembered. All novices are particularly sensitive to the things they learn at the very first stage in any new subject or domain.

THE average person is more than capable of playing the game in an easier and more natural manner. In this book I will demonstrate and help you discover a new perspective on your true potential. I am convinced that the average handicap has not improved either in Britain or the USA over the last four decades because modern teaching overcomplicates what is, in essence, a very simple affair. Add to this the indoctrination of all new golfers to conform to outdated and complex principles and you will easily understand why I am determined to lead golf coaching in a new, simple and inherently more natural direction.

In these pages you will see why you play well sometimes without knowing how and you will be able to control your game instead of being controlled by it. You will gain the tools to play consistently better golf because you will know how to find your natural swing and how to shed the false and over-technical version you have been indoctrinated to use. You will de-clutter your golfing mind and become more confident and positive about your game.

Your potential to perform any task in life can be blocked by interference which comes in many forms. I will be talking to you about this subject in the following pages both with regard to the fundamentals of the golf swing and to the power of a positive mindset in your game. Swinging the club to your potential and consistently hitting well struck shots is a matter of getting out of your own way both physically and mentally. e24fc04721

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