Privacy Policy for أسعار الذهب في مصر

Effective Date: 31 January 2024


Welcome to أسعار الذهب في مصر . This Privacy Policy outlines how we collect, use, and protect your personal information in the context of our medical and prenatal services, examinations, and re-examinations. This policy specifically does not target children under the age of 13.

Information We Collect:

We may collect personal information such as your name, contact details, medical history, and other relevant data necessary for the provision of medical services.

How We Use Your Information:

We use your information solely for the purpose of providing medical and prenatal services, managing appointments, and ensuring the accuracy of examinations and re-examinations.

Data Security:

We employ industry-standard security measures to safeguard your personal information from unauthorized access, disclosure, or alteration. Your privacy and data security are of utmost importance to us.

Sharing of Information:

We do not share your personal information with third parties unless required by law or with your explicit consent.

Children's Privacy:

This app is not intended for children under the age of 13. We do not knowingly collect or store personal information from children.

Changes to the Privacy Policy:

We reserve the right to update this Privacy Policy as needed. Any changes will be effective upon posting, and we encourage you to review this policy periodically.

Contact Information:

For any questions or concerns regarding this Privacy Policy, please contact us at