How to Survive in Sea when you are Drown in Water?

Most of the People drown or sink in sea, sea beach, ocean, river, lake, well, water fall, water pond and thus sadly end their life into death due to drowning. Here are the official guidelines to escape from drowning and to survive in sea, sea beach, ocean, river, lake, well, water fall, water pond, approved by International Agency for Standards and Ratings.

How to survive from drowning in water if you don't know how to swim?

  1. Stay Away from such water bodies e.g. sea, sea beach, ocean, river, lake, well, water fall, water pond to survive. Because nearby area may cause you to slip in sea, sea beach, ocean, river, lake, well, water fall, water pond. The ground beneath your feet may be fragile, loose, unstable, breakable to push you inside sea, sea beach, ocean, river, lake, well, water fall, water pond without your such intention to kill you by death due to drown. Also observe notice board, Life Guards for precautions, directives, prohibitions, fine, punishments etc. Disaster will not wait for your permission to enter in water

  1. Fill Your Lungs with Air to Float- Even if you have never swim in water ever before, inhale as much air as you can do before you are going to drown, and do not let it go out/ exhale until you are able to inhale again when your mouth or nose is again above the water surface. On regular intervals continue respiration while your nose is above water level. Breath take air from your mouth for large input of air and release air through your nose to expense less oxygen.

The air in your lungs will float you automatically and will keep you above water surface. Do not waste your energy to keep your whole body above the water surface level. Focus on keeping your nose above the water level so that you could inhale, rest of your body can remain under water without any problem. As you exhale you will begine to sink in water again, so at this time use your hands to keep your body above the sea or water level, push water away from your nose to make you able to breath. Because of your weight you begins to drown in sea. Air in your lungs and buoyancy of water keep you above sea level. Do not accumulate your whole body weight at specific point of your body, it will sink you. Distribute your body weight evenly in such manner that buoyancy of water could balance your weight of each body parts, this technique will float you above water. So stretch your body up to maximum like letter 'X'. Both of your feet should be at maximum distance from each other like letter 'X'. Similarly your both hands should be at maximum distance from each other like letter 'X'. Stay calm even when your nose is under sea wave, wait for some time till water wave passes you then again you can take breath. Throw your both legs away from you one by one when you are under water wave in sea, it will not let you drown. When you are under water in sea and unable to breath, you can slowly exhale air through your nose on intervals, if needed, it will relax you and will minimize panic situations when you are drown.

What to do when you see a sea wave is approaching you?

Keep floating. When you are floating on sea beach, sea wave will pass you, so remain calm and relax but do not exhale to float on water surface. Examine sea beach floor carefully, map it with your feet to analyze if there is trench, pit, hole, mud, sand, structure of rocks, sharpen rocks, rough stones, sticky stones, algae, cloths, rope or any other things which could entrap your legs/ feet. So you could decide that why you should not dive forwarding your head to protect from injury. Do not dive in shallow water, it can injure/ fracture your skull, head, soft tissues, which are cause of death due to drowning. Do not get panic because it will consume your inhaled oxygen more, stay calm and relax, it will not consume less oxygen. If you are in dire need of oxygen should you inhale below water level or should enguf water through you mouth- No, Drinking water will not solve your problem. It is sensless to cry or speak under water, you will loose your energy, oxygen only, such sounds & voices do not come above water surface. If any rescuer is searching you nearby, they will trace you by your movements in water, your exhaled water bubbles and your body parts above water