The Speakers

Dr. Abdus S Wahed

Dr. Abdus S. Wahed has been teaching statistics to graduate and undergraduate student at multiple institutions, for over 20 years. He served as the 2012-2013 President of the Pittsburgh Chapter of the American Statistical Association. In 2015, Dr. Wahed was inducted as a fellow of the American Statistical Association for his contributions to the advancement of statistics and Biostatistics, specifically in the area treatment sequencing. He has delivered more than 100 invited/contributed lectures/presentations to national and international conferences or institutions. For his contribution to the research in Biostatistics, Dr. Wahed was awarded ASA Pittsburgh Chapter 2014 Statistician of the Year.

Now Dr. Wahed is a professor and the Director of PhD Graduate Program in Biostatistics within the Graduate School of Public Health (GSPH) at the University of Pittsburgh. Currently, Dr. Wahed is the Associate Editor of Biometrics, Biostatistics, and the Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice.

Dr. Wahed’s primary research area is statistical methods for SMART trials and dynamic treatment regime. He has developed methods for design and analysis of sequentially randomized trials for comparing dynamic treatment. He has published more than 100 papers in top statistics journals including JASA, Biometrics, Biometrika, Biostatistics, JRSS-A, JRSS-C, Statistics in Medicine, and JSPI.

Dr. Mahbubul Majumder

Dr. Majumder research interests include techniques of effective data visualization, statistical inference using graphics, exploratory data analysis, statistical and machine learning tools, and models to convert data into data products. His publication on visual statistical inference appeared in the Journal of the American Statistical Association (JASA) as a featured article.

Dr. Majumder is an associate professor of statistics and data science at the University of Nebraska Omaha (UNO). He founded the data science program at UNO. In addition, he is working as the graduate program chair.

Dr. Majumder received his PhD in statistics from Iowa State University. Currently, he is developing an elementary data visualization course for non-STEM majors with a service-learning component. The course satisfies the quantitative literacy requirement. The project is funded by NSF.

Dr. Prince Afriyei

Dr. Prine Afriyei started his career as an assistant professor of statistics at California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo. Currently, Dr. Afriyei is an assistant professor at the University of Virginia’s department of statistics. He is also affiliated to University of Texas’ Dana Center where he helps develop special training courses for educators on teaching statistics. Dr. Afriyie was also appointed as a committee member of the Advanced Placement (AP) Statistics Development Committee where he helps write and review AP statistics exams questions, develop course curriculum, determine the general content and ability level of each exam, and determine requirements for course syllabi.

Dr. Afriyie received his PhD in Statistics at Temple University (2016), master’s degree in Mathematics at Ball State University (2011) and bachelor’s degree in Mathematics at Northern Kentucky University (2008).

Dr. Afriyie’s current research is focused on developing new and powerful methodologies for testing multiple hypotheses simultaneously. He is also involved in statistics and data science education research.

Matthew Timothy Brenneman

Matthew Brenneman did NIH-funded research at the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory (working with Professor Tim Cross) in mathematical and computational methods for molecular structure determination using solid-state NMR data.

Mr. Brenneman interest in statistics led him to do research with Professor Jade Morton (at Miami University) for the AFOSR in statistical signal processing. Working with the students in the lab made him aware of how poor their statistical education was, which led him to his current passion, statistics education.

Now, Mr. Brenneman is an instructor in the department of Mathematics at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, where he teaches statistics and do research towards improving statistics education.

Mr. Brenneman graduated from Carnegie-Mellon University, and did his undergraduate work in biology and physics. His need to improve his technical background led him to do his Masters in mathematics at Virginia Tech University, where he was introduced to many areas of applied math, one of which was statistics. He furthered his education in statistics by earning an M.S. in statistics from BSU back in 2015.

Farhin Rahman

Farhin Rahman completed a Master of Science in Statistics from the Ball State University. She completed her undergraduate degree from the University of Dhaka.

Her research interests lie in data science, clinical trials, cancer screening, Bayesian, survival analysis and Inference. Apart from working on her PhD dissertation at University of Louisville, she is concurrently involved in a research project of National Institute of Health.

Dr. Sudipta Saha

Prior to joining the Toronto General Hospital, Dr. Sudipta Saha worked as a Biostatistical specialist at the Public Health Ontario and was a research associate at the Princess Margaret Hospital, Canada.

Currently, he is a Biostatistician at the Toronto General Hospital , University Health Network, Canada.

Dr. Sudipta Saha received his PhD from the University of Toronto in Biostatistics, studying new causal inference methods in the context of screening trials.

Janna Scott

Janna Scott has over 3 decades of experience as a research statistician and randomization specialist. Her impact can be witnessed in early HIV therapeutic development, Pharmaceutical standardization of biomarker utility in HIV research, predictive efficacious value of HIV genotypic and phenotypic markers as well as randomization/blinding capability advancement and statistical governance oversight.

Janna Scott joined the pharmaceutical industry upon achieving her Master’s degree with dual focus in statistics and computer science at Ball State University.

Dr. Ferdouse Begum

Dr. Ferdouse Begum graduated from the Department of Biostatistics, University of Pittsburgh. Before joining the Food and Drug Administration, she worked as a postdoctoral fellow at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. Currently, Dr. Begum is a Mathematical Statistician in the Office of Biostatistics at Food and Drug Administration and is a Statistical Reviewer in the Cardiac Safety Studies Team who evaluates the potential for drugs to cause torsade de pointes. Her research interests span Statistical Genetics, Genetic Epidemiology, and drug-induced ECG signatures.

Sam Bales

Sam Bales earned his Master’s in Statistics from Ball State University in May of 2020. He started his career in the Clinical Data Science group at AbbVie, and is now an Associate Manager on the R&D Enterprise Innovation team, focusing on enterprise data solutions.

Christopher Yirenkyi

Christopher received his MS degree in Statistics in 2019 from the Department of Mathematical Science’s statistics program and joined IDOC upon graduation. In his current position as data analyst, he works with a wide range of offender data of offenders in the Indian prison system; Christopher uses SAS, R, Python – Jupyter notebooks, SAS Visual Analytics as tools in his day-to-day functions in his role.

Christopher’s experience spans across the domains of statistics; mainly descriptive, prescriptive, and predictive analysis to other roles that ensure that the division is remains vibrant and on par with state and national trends in the industry.

Christopher has continually received recognition for the provision pertinent information with interactive front-end user interface, for better data interaction and consumption, to executive staff using prescriptive and predictive analysis.