GOLDPRICE.ORGprovides you with fast loading charts of the current gold price per ounce, gram and kilogram in 160 major currencies. We provide you with timely and accurate silver and gold price commentary, gold price history charts for the past 1 days, 3 days, 30 days, 60 days, 1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30 and up to 43 years. You can also find out where to buy gold coins from gold dealers at the best gold price.

On this page you can view the current price of gold per ounce, gram or kilo. Gold is usually quoted by the ounce in U.S. Dollars. The gold price can, however, be quoted in any currency by the ounce, gram or kilo. The price of gold is constantly on the move and can be affected by many different factors.

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When looking at gold prices, the figures quoted are typically going to be spot gold prices unless otherwise specified. The spot gold price refers to the price of gold for delivery right now as opposed to some date in the future. Spot gold prices are derived from exchange-traded futures contracts such as those that trade on the COMEX Exchange. The nearest month contract with the most trading volume is used to determine the spot gold price.

As with any other type of investment, those looking to buy gold want to get the best deal possible, which means buying gold at the lowest price possible. By watching gold prices, investors can look for trends in the gold market and also look for areas of support to buy at or areas of resistance to sell at. Because gold pretty much trades around the clock, the gold price is always updating and can even be viewed in real time.

Currency markets can have a dramatic effect on the gold price. Because gold is typically denominated in U.S. Dollars, a weaker dollar can potentially make gold relatively less expensive for foreign buyers while a stronger dollar can potentially make gold relatively more expensive for foreign buyers. This relationship can often be seen in the gold price. On days when the dollar index is sharply lower, gold may be moving higher. On days when the dollar index is stronger, gold may be losing ground.

Interest rates are another major factor on gold prices. Because gold pays no dividends and does not pay interest, the gold price may potentially remain subdued during periods of high or rising interest rates. On the other hand, if rates are very low, gold may potentially benefit as it keeps the opportunity cost of holding gold to a minimum. Of course, gold could also move higher even with high interest rates, and it could move lower even during periods of ultra-low rates.

Gold is traded all over the globe, and is most often transacted in U.S. Dollars. Gold can, however, also be transacted in any other currency after appropriate exchange rates have been accounted for. That being said, the price of gold is theoretically the same all over the globe. This makes sense given the fact that an ounce of gold is the same whether it is bought in the U.S. or Asia.

The price of gold is available around the clock, and trading essentially never ceases. While investors in the U.S. are sound asleep, for example, gold trading in Asian markets may be robust. The market is very transparent, and live gold prices allow investors to stay on top of any significant shifts in price.

The current gold price can be readily found in newspapers and online. Although prices per ounce in dollars are typically used, you can also easily access the gold price in alternative currencies and alternative weights. Smaller investors, for example, may be more interested in the price of gold per gram than ounces or kilos. Larger investors who intend to buy in bulk will likely be more interested in the gold price per ounce or kilo. Whatever the case may be, live gold prices have never been more readily accessible, giving investors the information they need to make buying and selling decisions.

BullionVault's gold price chart shows you the current price of gold in the professional gold bullion market. You can then use those real-time spot prices to place an order using BullionVault's live order board.

We give you the fastest updates online, with the live gold price data processed about every 10 seconds. There is no need to refresh your browser. This chart also gives you up to 20 years of historical data, so you can see the long-term gold price trends. Live and historic data is available in seven different currencies.

The Daily Price of gold is determined by London's biggest bullion banks, who agree on a price to clear their outstanding client and inhouse orders at a fixed time each day. The London Bullion Market Association publishes this price on its website.

The price is determined on UK working weekdays at 3pm London time for gold (midday for silver, 2pm for platinum and palladium). The prices are made public at midnight. Orders are processed shortly after the price is determined using a provisional, estimated price, and then adjusted to the published price on the following working day. Place your order for gold by 2:35pm to secure the daily price shown (11:40am for silver, 1:35pm for platinum and palladium).

Articles exploring gold and its relationship with the financial markets are published on BullionVault's Gold News each day. Additionally, once you open a BullionVault account, you can opt-in to receive the Weekly Market Update. This weekly email explores and discusses current movements in silver, platinum, palladium and gold prices and the reasons behind them.

The price of gold can change by the second, led by investment supply and demand as well as by changes in other markets (commodities, stocks or bonds) and also the currency that the investor wishes to use to buy their gold. Currently, the spot price for 1 ounce of gold is

The price of gold can change by the second, led by investment supply and demand as well as by changes in other markets (commodities, stocks or bonds) and also the currency that the investor wishes to use to buy their gold. Currently, the spot price for 1kg of gold in the UK is

Whatever the outlook, choosing to buy gold for investment can make a good idea for spreading risk across a balanced portfolio. That's because the value of gold bullion has, in the past, tended to increase when other investment assets fall over long periods of time. More active traders can also try to time their buying and selling using this live gold price chart.

Historical trends show that investing in gold has made a good if imperfect hedge against poor performance from currencies, shares, bonds and real estate. The idea is to reduce overall losses by using gold to diversify the portfolio's investments across time.

Gold priced in US Dollars rose above $2000 per ounce for the first time in August 2020, jumping as the Covid-19 pandemic and subsequent global economic crisis drove investors to seek safety in physical bullion. Gold then regained that level, and also set fresh all-time records in Euros, UK Pounds, Japanese Yen and most other major currencies during the Russian invasion of Ukraine starting in late-February 2022.

Gold bullion is traditionally seen as an insurance policy during economic, financial and even social uncertainty. Historical trends show that investing in gold has made a good if imperfect hedge against poor price performance from currencies, shares, bonds and real estate.

However, it's possible to view historic and real-time prices using BullionVault's gold price chart above. Looking at the 20-year view, you can see that gold prices reached all-time highs in the US Dollar, Sterling and Euro, in July 2020.

The price of gold can change by the second, led by investment supply and demand as well as by changes in other markets (commodities, stocks or bonds) and also the currency that the investor wishes to use to buy their gold. Currently, the spot price for 1 gram of gold in the UK is .

Gold price is finding demand in the Asian session on the final trading day of the year, in the wake of a cautiously optimistic market mood and renewed US Dollar weakness. Investors brace for the end-of-the-year flows and refrain from placing any fresh directional bets on the Gold price, leaving the bright metal in a phase of upside consolidation at around $2,070.

On Thursday, Gold price enjoyed two-way businesses, initially refreshing a three-week top before reversing to settle below the $2,070 level. In the first half of the day, Gold price benefitted from a sustained weakness in the US Dollar and the US Treasury bond yields, as strong US bond auctions and increased dovish US Federal Reserve (Fed) rate cut expectations underwhelmed.

Following the rally seen in the fourth quarter of 2022, Gold price continued to push higher to start 2023. After registering impressive gains in March, XAU/USD corrected lower in the third quarter before setting a new record high above $2,100 early December.

Oil prices are flat whilst residing below $74 with some downside pressure building. Saudi Arabia has cut its key Oil price by $1.25 per barrel for deliveries in Asia as of February. The news comes not from Saudi Aramco itself, but from three independent refiners in Asia who closed recent contracts.

In the XAU/USD Price Forecast 2023, our analyst believes Gold price has the potential to register strong gains in 2023 but there are considerable downside risks. Read more details about the forecast.

Opinions expressed at FXStreet are those of the individual authors and do not necessarily represent the opinion of FXStreet or its management. FXStreet has not verified the accuracy or basis-in-fact of any claim or statement made by any independent author: errors and omissions may occur. Any opinions, news, research, analyses, prices or other information contained on this website, by FXStreet, its employees, clients or contributors, is provided as general market commentary and does not constitute investment advice. FXStreet will not accept liability for any loss or damage, including without limitation to, any loss of profit, which may arise directly or indirectly from use of or reliance on such information. ff782bc1db

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