Your goal is to build wealth, and you can depend on as a reliable source for live pricing on the most popular and widely tradedgold and silver coins and bullion. We publish both our buy andsell prices using the latest spot price.

Traders determine gold spot prices on futures exchanges. Metals contracts change hands in London and Shanghai when U.S. markets are closed. But the largest and most influential market for metals prices is the U.S. COMEX exchange. The quote for immediate settlement at any given time is effectively the spot price.

Gold And Silver Prices


Gold and silver are the ultimate forms of money. When they are rising rapidly in value versus fiat currencies and paper assets, governments, central banks, and investment banks on Wall Street get nervous. A sharp rise in precious metals prices suggests not all is well in the financial world.

Spot (paper) prices could diverge from real-world pricing in the markets for physical precious metals. For example, during periods of extreme stress in markets it may be impossible to obtain physical metal anywhere near the quoted spot price. Premiums on retail bullion products may surge as a consequence. When the physical market diverges from the paper market, wholesale over the counter prices may be more realistic than spot prices.

That said, there are periods when silver may decouple from gold. For example, a physical shortage particular to the silver market could cause silver prices to skyrocket independent of gold. And in the event of a financial crisis, gold may benefit from its safe-haven status while silver suffers from a hit to industrial demand.

The Dow:gold ratio measures how highly valued the stock market is compared to gold. The Dow:gold ratio tends to move lower during both deflationary depressions (as in the 1930s) and inflationary panics (as in the late 1970s). At the bottom of the Great Depression, Dow:gold reached a 1:1 ratio. That same 1:1 ratio was briefly reached again in January 1980 when both gold prices and the Dow Jones Industrials sported an 850 handle.

In 1933, the government banned private ownership of gold bullion and ordered it all to be turned in. Since the U.S. dollar was then still pegged to a fixed gold price, President Franklin Roosevelt wanted to make sure that only the government benefited from his scheme to raise the gold price from $20.67 to $35.00 an ounce. That massive manipulation expanded the money supply, devalued the dollar, and raised price levels.

Gold prices hit an all-time high of $1,900/oz. in August 2011. Earlier that year, silver ran up to just shy of $50/oz. The precious metals surged as a consequence of Federal Reserve Quantitative Easing programs, rising inflation fears, and a spike in investment demand for physical bullion.

A rally ensued through 1987, but it proved to be fleeting. Gold prices fell back into a long, protracted trading range. The market finally bottomed out from 1999-2001 before embarking on a multi-year secular upleg.

Some metals tend to correlate strongly with the business cycle and may therefore perform poorly during a recession. Gold and silver are more counter-cyclical and can benefit from a bad economy accompanied by safe-haven flight out of the stock market.

The premier safe-haven hard asset is gold. Prices for the money metal have gained during five of the past seven recessions that have occurred since 1970. In 2008, gold was one of the only alternative investment assets to show a gain for the year.

Silver is less reliable during economic downturns. It performed fantastically during the stagflationary 1970s. But in general silver tends to fare poorly when a bad economy causes demand from industrial users to weaken.

Rising investment demand can make up some of that decline. Silver is historically and foundationally a form of money. During a financial panic or currency crisis, the masses may rediscover its monetary utility. That makes silver more promising to hold during hard times than a straight-up industrial metal.

The COMEX is the largest and most commonly referenced of the futures exchanges when itcomes to establishing prices for physical gold, silver, platinum and palladium. TheCommodity Exchange, or COMEX, merged with the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX) in the 1990s.But gold and silver futures are also traded on a number of exchanges all around theglobe. That means spot prices are updating nearly 24 hours per day except forweekends.

The futures markets specialize in commodities of all types, including gold and silver.Traders buy and sell contracts for a fixed quantity of a commodity, to be delivered atsome future date. The standard contract for silver is for 5000 troy ounces, while thegold contract is for 100 troy ounces.

Fix prices are often referenced in contracts and agreements involving large quantities ofmetal. Parties can agree to trade at the fix price and avoid worry about agreeing on aparticular spot price while it bounces around.

Prices for ETFs are easily confused with the spot prices of physical gold. But they arederivative investments. While the fund may buy and sell physical gold or silver bars,the shareholders, with exception for a small and select group who hold a specialdesignation, have absolutely no claim on the bars held by the fund. And transaction andmanagement fees gradually chip away at the share price which means, over time, ETFprices fall relative to the market price of the metal held inside the fund.

There are also ETFs which specialize in the shares of precious metals mining companies.The XAU is one such holding stocks in primary gold producers. Once again you should notbe confused into thinking the XAU price is the same as the gold spot price.

The standard unit for gold and silver in the US, Canada and the United Kingdom is thetroy ounce. If the unit is not expressly stated as such when the price is quoted, it issafe nevertheless safe to assume. A troy ounce is slightly heavier than the avoirdupoisor standard ounce. There are 14.5833 troy ounces to the standard pound.

While the spot or fix price used as the basis for valuing gold and silver bullionproducts does not vary based on quantity, the per ounce or per gram premium buyers andsellers receive for their coins, rounds and bars will vary. Like many products, largerquantities often mean lower prices. So making less frequent purchases in larger volumeis a good way to lower your overall price per ounce (oz) or per gram (gr).

Today it is easy to find live spot prices. Most major precious metals dealers, includingMoney Metals Exchange, publish live prices. Just look to the top of this page! So dofinancial news sites such as CNNMoney, Marketwatch and Bloomberg.

Now that you understand gold and silver prices, you are ready to invest. Right now is agreat time to diversify out of paper money and assets and buy tangible gold and silver.You do not need a lot of money to get started.

GOLDPRICE.ORGprovides you with fast loading charts of the current gold price per ounce, gram and kilogram in 160 major currencies. We provide you with timely and accurate silver and gold price commentary, gold price history charts for the past 1 days, 3 days, 30 days, 60 days, 1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30 and up to 43 years. You can also find out where to buy gold coins from gold dealers at the best gold price.

Free! Sign up for email and/or SMS Spot Price Alerts Chart Timeframes When looking at gold and silver price charts, the most important thing to keep in mind is what timeframe you are observing. Some common ranges are the 24 hour, 1 week, 1 month, 3 month, 6 month, 1 year, 5 year, and 10 year timeframes.

If you are looking at the trend of prices based on a 24 hour or 7 day chart, it is important to keep in mind that the movements you see are likely short term variance caused by one-off events, and may not be at all indicative of the longer term trend. For example, throughout 2012 the prices of gold and silver traded sideways, with both metals finishing in the same general range at which they started the year.

In our opinion, the best way to invest in physical gold and silver is by making consistent investments at regular intervals over the long-term, otherwise known as dollar cost averaging. By making investments at regular intervals, regardless of where prices move, you ensure that you average in fair pricing as opposed to trying to take advantage of day-to-day swings.

History has taught us that it is nearly impossible to time the markets, so by dollar cost averaging your gold and silver prices you put yourself in great position to protect your investments in the long run.

We give you the fastest silver price updates online, with live data processed about every 10 seconds. There is no need to refresh your browser. This chart also gives you up to 20 years of historical data, so you can see long-term pricing trends. Live and historic data is available in seven different currencies.

The Daily Price of silver is determined by London's biggest bullion banks, who agree on a price to clear their outstanding client and inhouse orders at a fixed time each day. The London Bullion Market Association publishes this price on its website.

The price is determined on UK working weekdays at midday London time for silver (3pm for gold, 2pm for platinum and palladium). The prices are made public at midnight. Orders are processed shortly after the price is determined using a provisional estimated price, and then adjusted to the published price on the following working day. Place your order for silver by 11:40am to secure the daily price shown (2:35pm for gold, 1:35pm for platinum and palladium).

Articles exploring silver prices and their relationship with the financial markets are published on BullionVault's Gold News each day. Additionally, once you open a BullionVault account, you can opt-in to receive the Weekly Market Update. This weekly email explores and discusses current movements in gold, platinum, palladium and silver prices and the reasons behind them. ff782bc1db

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