High up in the atmosphere, a small ship reminiscent of the Apollo module methodically surveys jagged terrain below. Our fearless pilot spots a suitable landing area. The descent is arduous but thankfully, this journey has been made many times before...

Lunar Lander is an arcade classic where players attempt to pilot a moon lander onto a flat spot of lunar terrain. Anyone born in the 1970s has most likely spent hours in an arcade with their eyes glued to this vector ship plummeting from the sky. As a player navigates their ship toward a landing area, the terrain scales to reveal progressively more detail. Success means landing within the safe threshold of horizontal and vertical speed. Points are awarded for time spent landing and remaining fuel, with a multiplier based on the size of the landing area.

Thrusty Ship Download For Windows 10

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Requiring the user to learn the input scheme, control the ship, and have a small target to land on is a lot to ask. A successful game experience features the right mix of challenge and reward. The user can choose a level of difficulty, with the easiest mode simply requiring the user to successfully land in a user-defined area on a surface scanned by the HoloLens. Once a user gets the hang of the game, they can then crank up the difficulty as they see fit.

Looking back at the original control scheme, we needed to solve for thrust and rotation. The caveat is rotation in the new context adds an additional axis (technically two, but the Y axis is less important for landing). The two distinct ship movements naturally lend themselves to be mapped to each hand:

The lever on the original arcade machine mapped to a scale of values, the higher the lever was moved the more thrust was applied to the ship. An important nuance to point out here is how the user can take their hand off of the control and maintain a desired value. We can effectively use tap-and-drag behavior to achieve the same result. The thrust value starts at zero. The user taps and drags to increase the value. At that point they could let go to maintain it. Any tap-and-drag gesture value change would be the delta from the original value.

There are multiple ways to apply the relatively straight-forward control scheme to the Xbox controller. Since we're trying to stay as close to the original arcade set up as possible, Thrust maps best to the trigger button. These buttons are analog controls, meaning they have more than simple on and off states, they actually respond to the degree of pressure put on them. This gives us a similar construct as the thrust lever. Unlike the original game and the hand gesture, this control will cut the ship's thrust once a user stops putting pressure on the trigger. It still gives the user the same degree of finesse as the original arcade game did.

The dual thumbsticks naturally lend themselves to controlling ship rotation. Unfortunately, there are three axes on which the ship can rotate and two thumbsticks which both support two axes. This mismatch means either one thumbstick controls one axis; or there's overlap of axes for the thumbsticks. The former solution ended up feeling "broken" since thumbsticks inherently blend their local X and Y values. The latter solution required some testing to find which redundant axes feel the most natural. The final sample uses yaw and roll (Y and X axes) for the left thumbstick, and pitch and roll (Z and X axes) for the right thumbstick. This felt the most natural as roll seems to independently pair well with yaw and pitch. As a side note, using both thumbsticks for roll also happens to double the rotation value; it's pretty fun to have the lander do loops.

Ship Manifest is a tool to manage your ship's "things".

I originally started with Crew Manifest as a basis for this work. My great thanks go out to vXSovereignXv for creating Crew Manifest, and Sarbian for contributions to and continuing maintenance of Crew Manifest.

I've now re-imagined it into Ship Manifest, Crew transfers are now only a small part of what SM can do. Ship Manifest moves crew, Science and Resources around from part to part within your ship or station. It also manages docked vessel refueling, hatches, deployable Solar Panels, antennas and lights. Kinda like your Ship's bridge...

Version - Release 28 Apr 2023 - KSP 1.12.5


- New: Added horizontal window resizing to all windows. SM will remember these settings between saves.

- Fixed: Correct window scaling issue where other mods were affected by SM when changing the KSP Scale.

 This was caused by GUI.skin issues as SM was altering the built in skins.

 SM now uses a custom skin constructed dynamically from the selected built-in scales, so only SM windows are affected.

 Issue: Forum post -112x-ship-manifest-crew-science-resources-v-6070-25-apr-23/&do=findComment&comment=4277051

- Changed: adjusted window heights for the Unity skin and the KSP skin. This makes window resizing more reliable.

Version - Release 25 Apr 2023 - KSP 1.12.5


- Fixed: Correct error in Manifest window with the vessel name. Was using a nonlocalized name. Now properly localized.

- Fixed: Rate Modifier field in Science window was displaying incorrect value. Now properly displays the value.

- Fixed: Correct resource display error when RealXfers setting is changed and Saved in Realism settings.


 - Fixed: Memory leak on SM destruction. One handler was not being removed.


 - New: Refactored mod to support KSP UI scaling. You folks with the 4k monitors should be able to see the text now.

 - New: Localized Screen messages in Crew transfers.

 Note: Many localizations are machine translations. Any help in improving them is appreciated.

 - New: Added a Settings button to the Roster window when in the Space Center. This button appears if you disable the Settings icon

 on the toolbar. This setting is in the Config Tab.

 - Changed: Refactored remaining windows and tabs to clean up display code. Moved a lot of redundant code into GUI utility methods.

 - Changed: Refactored all windows to cache all localization strings and object size values.

 Object size values only recalculate if the screen resolution is changed. Hopefully this helps a bit with performance.

Neat idea, but I'll wait until the mod is developed further; the user interface is quite clunky and I actually had to go into the settings and modify the size of the windows so I could actually view them on my screen.

This sub-genre goes by many names, such as "Gravity shooters", "Cave-flyers", "Thrust-types", "Gravitors". This is a type of shoot 'em up in which the protagonist pilots a rotatable craft with thrusters (similar to Asteroids) while being subject to gravity and, often, the craft's inertia. Gravity shooters feature multi-directional, 360 degree, movement and shooting. They also feature free-scrolling stages that allow the players to roam freely around the map and approach targets however they wish. The action is presented in a side-view and usually takes place in enclosed, cavern-like, environments (thus, the term "Cave-flyers") filled with various types of enemies and hazards. Using the ship's "rotate & thrust" capabilities, the players must aim, shoot, dodge and carefully maneuver their way through the landscape while constantly taking gravity and (usually) fuel refill needs into account.

Lander is an action shooter game developed in-house at the Manchester office of Psygnosis. It was released for Microsoft Windows in Spring 1999 and published under the Psygnosis label shortly before the Manchester office was closed and the Psygnosis label was fully absorbed into Sony. Lander was inspired by the classic game Thrust (and to a lesser extent Lunar Lander), and featured similar gameplay of controlling a ship with realistic thrust and inertia, but with a new 3D game environment. Critically, the game was badly received by most critics, but had occasional highly positive reviews by those who had found the control system to be rewarding rather than frustrating.

The player takes on the role of a mercenary lander pilot, looking to make his fortune while travelling on the interplanetary cruise ship Drake's Exception while it makes a historical voyage of visiting each planet of the solar system in turn due to the rare event of all the planets aligning. As the Drakes Exception stops at each planet, the player is able to take on missions tendered by various people and organisations. These missions are delivered to the player via a series of emails. The majority of missions on offer require the player to find the entrance of an underground complex, gain entry and locate a particular object which then must be brought to the surface by the use of the ship's tractor beam. When an object is being towed, its weight and momentum directly affects the handling of the Player's ship. Coupled with the various obstacles present in most missions, such as moving machinery, defensive turrets and armed ground vehicles, making your way to safety becomes a lot more difficult especially when you factor in limited fuel and the Player's inability to drop the cargo at will and re-fuel. There is at least one occasion where is not true however, as during the 'Macbeth colony' mission there is a fuel pod in the latter stage of the level where the cargo can be placed beside it, allowing the Player to re-fuel and more importantly, bring the cargo with them from the beginning of the mission rather than leaving it and then backtracking later on.

Although Lander had an arcade feel, controlling the ship in three axes proved quite difficult to master, often taking days for some to become confident and competent. The default control system relied upon mouse movement to control tilt and roll, whilst the keyboard controlled the yaw. Lander's input system does have a degree of flexibility, allowing other input devices such as an analogue joystick and even allows for the use of an analogue throttle to control the ship's thrust, allowing for a much finer control of the craft to the point of being able to hover on the spot and fly in straight lines in directions other than up and down. be457b7860

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