GO! KARUTA is a non-profit organization established by Mutsumi Stone in 2017.  Mutsumi is a kyogi karuta player from Japan.  She played kyogi karuta from 1989 to 1987 in Japan.  She moved to Washington, D.C. in 1998 after marrying an American husband.  Since 2000, she  has been introducing kyogi karuta outside of Japan while living with her family in UK, Kazakhstan, Thailand and  China. She established Khrungthep Karuta Club in Bangkok (since 2005) and Beijing Kasasagi-bashi Karuta Club (China, since 2007).  In 2013 she moved back to Washington, D.C., are in the US . She established Washignton DC Inishie Karuta Club in 2013 and has trained many karuta players. She has also been delivering the lectures in local schools and universities introducing kyogi karuta in this area and have practice sessions at her  home.  

Mutsumi is a member of the All Japan Karuta Association (6-dan degree)  AND 

GO! KARUTA is a non-profit organization in the United States that promotes and instruct kyogi karuta  (competitive karuta)outside of Japan. Kyogi karuta is a one to one game using Ogura hyakunin-isshu karuta cards. GO! KARUTA  also supports the activities of the kyogi karuta players outside Japan. This site provides information related to competitive karuta and Ogura hyakunin-isshu.

GO! KARUTAは日本国外で競技かるた(百人一首個人戦)の普及活動や指導を行い、日本国外在住の競技かるた選手の活動を支援するための米国の非営利組織です。このサイトでは競技かるたと小倉百人一首に関連する情報を提供します。

GO! Karuta代表 ストーン睦美

全日本かるた協会普及指導部副部長。A級六段。公認審判員。ワシントンDCいにしへ会主宰(Director of Washington DC Inishie Karuta Club) ※ワシントンDCいにしへ会は日本国外で唯一A級選手が指導するかるた会です。

Mutsumi Stone have given lectures in  United Kingdom,  Kazakhstan, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan,  Korea, China,  Mongolia,  New Zealand,  Brazil and  U.S.A.

Mutsumi Stone's Karuta career

January 1987 Join Tokyo Azuma Karuta Club (Japan) .

June 1987 Got the 1st place at D-class competition in Fukui. Promoted to C-class.

Sep. 1987 Got the 1st place at C-class competition.  Promoted to B-class.

Oct. 1987 Got the 2nd place at B-class competition.

Dec. 1987 Got the 2nd place at B-class competition. Promoted to A-class.

 Since then Mutsumi Stone have been played as a A-class player.