For the On-premises XML process model, you can use witadmin to list, import, export, and modify a process for a project. For the Inherited and Hosted XML process models, you can only use witadmin to list and export process information. For an overview of process models and what is supported, see Customize your work tracking experience.

You can change how you track your team's progress by creating and customizing objects that track work items. By using the witadmin command-line tool, you can create, delete, import, and export objects such as categories, global lists, global workflow, types of links, and types of work items. You can also delete, list, or change the attributes of work item fields.

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As the following illustration shows, you manage categories and types of and work items for each project. You manage global lists, types of links, and fields in work item for each project collection. You can customize global workflow for a project or a collection.

To run the witadmin command-line tool, open a Command Prompt window where Visual Studio is installed. The witadmin command-line tool installs with any version of Visual Studio. You can access this tool by installing the free version of Visual Studio Community or Visual Studio Team Explorer.

To connect to an on-premises server, we recommend that you use the same or later version of Visual Studio as your Azure DevOps Server. For example, if you connect to Azure DevOps Server 2019, then connect to your project from a version of Visual Studio 2019.

You run witadmin commands against Azure DevOps Services or an on-premises Azure DevOps Server. As shown in the following command lists, only witadmin commands that list or export files are supported for the Azure DevOps Services.

Work items are used to track anything you need to track. Each work item is based on a work item type. Each work item type defines the fields available in which to store information. The available work item types depend on the process you used when your project was created (Agile, Scrum, Basic, or CMMI). For more information, see Track your work items in Azure Boards user stories, issues, bugs, features, and epics.

Fields are used to track the status and information associated with work items. Fields are defined for an organization or collection.For more information, see Work item fields and attributes. To look up the description of a specific field, see Field descriptions for default and work item fields used in process templates.

Categories associate one or more work item types as belonging to the same category. Azure Boards relies on default category definitions, many of which specify a single work item type per category. For more information, see Use categories to group work item types.

Use different link types to manage the various relationships between work items. For On-premises XML and Hosted XML process models, you can define custom link types. For more information, see Link work items to other objects and Reference guide for link types.

Global lists are pick lists that you can include within one or more fields and work item type definitions. You can share list items among several work item types for a collection of projects by including the list items in one or more GLOBALLIST elements. For more information, see GLOBALLIST XML element reference.

Process configuration defines the default configuration and functional capabilities that your teams can access using Azure Boards. The configuration determines the work item types that appear on the product backlog, sprint backlogs, Kanban board, and task board. For more information about process configuration and what you can customize, see Process Configuration.

After certain maintenance operations, client computers require a cache refresh. After you move, restore, rename, or fail over a data-tier or application-tier server, you must refresh the cache for tracking work items and users must refresh the version control cache on client computers.

To customize the resolution types, bug work item type, and failure types used when working with Azure Test Plans, you can use the following tcm command. This command is only available for Azure DevOps Server on-premises versions.

You can manage the fields defined for work item types that are defined for a project collection (On-premises XML) by using the following witadmin commands. If you want to add a global field (valid for On-premises XML) you can do so by modifying the global workflow file and importing it to the collection.

When you upgrade Team Foundation Server from an earlier version to the current version, the type assignment for the Description (System.Description) field is automatically converted from PlainText to HTML. With the changefield command, you can restore the content of this field to display plain text.

With witadmin, you can import and export definition files. Other tools you can use include the Process Editor (requires that you have installed a version of Visual Studio). Install the Process Template editor from the Visual Studio Marketplace.

Even if you sign in with administrative permissions, you must open an elevated Command Prompt window to perform this function on a server that is running Windows Server 2008. To open an elevated Command Prompt window, choose Start, open the Command Prompt shortcut menu, and then choose Run as Administrator. For more information, see the Microsoft Web site: User Access Control.

You must manually enable synchronization of any custom work item fields that are used to assign person names that reference Active Directory. You must enable synchronization for each field for each project collection that contains the custom fields.

All system reference fields that show person-names have the attribute syncnamechanges set to true. Such fields include System.AuthorizedAs, System.AssignedTo, System.ChangedBy and System.CreatedBy. Synchronization in enabled for each person name field that is defined in one of the default process templates. For more information, see Assignments and workflow fields.

After synchronization is enabled, the field no longer shows a static string. Instead, the field shows the name associated with a user account. When you change the user name in Active Directory or in Workgroup, a field with syncnamechanges set to true automatically shows the new name.

When you assign the syncnamechanges attribute to a String field, the field always accepts valid user names. However, the field doesn't allow group names that are stored in Team Foundation Server or in Active Directory if any one of the following conditions is true:

Use witadmin listfields to see the set of fields in use, to select one to add to a work item type. Also, you can list the attribute assignments defined for a specific field and determine which fields are used by which projects.

You can change the friendly name of a work item field to meet the naming conventions that your team uses. Note that the new name is applied to all work item types that reference the changed field in all projects in the project collection. The friendly name displays when you define filter criteria in a work item query. The name that appears on a work item form may be different than the friendly name defined for the field.

In the Query Editor, choose the Click here to add a clause link to add a row, select the blank Field cell, and in the cell, type Rank. The following message that appears above the results list. This message indicates that the Rank cannot be found.

Open the shortcut menu for any row in the results and select Column Options. Scroll down in the Available columns list. Notice that the Rank field is no longer present but the Important Rank field is present.

Notice, in the Status box, that the label for the renamed field, Rank, has not changed. This is because the field labels on the work item forms are scoped to the parent project and are independent of the server-wide field name just specified.

The following command specifies the ability to report the type of the DateTime field AdventureWorks.CreatedOn to dimension. This field's data enters the warehouse and Analysis Services databases so that it can be used to filter reports.

If the change request fails, an error message appears. The most common mistakes that can be made are trying to change a system reference field, or trying to change a field of a data type other than String. These operations are not supported.

Before you delete a field, verify that the field is not in use. If the field is in use, you must first remove the field from the work item types that use it prior to deleting it from the project collection. The following command deletes the field AdventureWorks.Field from Collection1:

If the Use field indicates that the field is in use, then you must delete it from each work item type for each project that is listed. For example, the Microsoft.VSTS.TCM.SystemInfo field indicates that it is being used by the Bug and Code Defect work item types for four projects: Arroyo, Desert, Palm, and Springs. 152ee80cbc

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