CUCC Stewardship Ministry
Resource Planning for 2021

Stewardship Sermon - October 25, 2020
Pastor Lacey Brown

Purpose of this portal

This portal will provide all the information you need about the stewardship campaign. When you fill out the pledge form and the time and talents survey you'll be providing input for the preparation of next year's budget and the membership of committees and ministries.

Pledge Form (77 pledges received for $258,401)

Time and Talents Survey (36 responses for 448 tasks)

A message from the Stewardship Committee
Committee Chair Joe Retzer - October 25, 2020

Pastor Lacey Brown
A pastoral message to the congregation - October 1, 2020

A Letter from the Pastor
and Chair of the Stewardship Ministry

Dear Members and Friends of Community United Church of Christ:

This letter introduces our stewardship campaign for the calendar year 2021 budget.

First, we want to thank you for continuing your faithful giving and volunteering of time and talent this year during the terrible pandemic that has prevented us from most in-person group meetings. Your financial commitment has enabled us to fulfill our budget commitments for all salaries, community outreach and social justice donations, our gift to the UCC Southern Conference, and upkeep, repair, and maintenance of our buildings and grounds. Although we have only received about a third of anticipated rental income, and fund raising has been limited to small virtual auctions, we expect to cover expenses with only a small deficit, to be taken from reserve.

And, throughout this difficult year, CUCC has continued to provide a virtual home for all of us. We have been able to worship and share fellowship by Zoom each week. We have been able to connect through “cafes”, lectionary discussions, shared book readings, Sunday School, ministry and committee meetings, the Monday Lunch Group, church workdays, social events, and volunteer opportunities such as meals for the women’s shelter. The Deacons and Caring Committee have been active in supporting all of us who have physical and spiritual needs. In short, our church has been alive and active in almost every way except large in-person worship and socials. Sadly, the choir and other opportunities for singing together have been severely restricted.

Sometime in 2021, when a COVID vaccine is widely available, we will begin in-person worship services, and open our building for traditional uses, including meetings, socials, auctions, and use by outside groups. We expect rental and fund raising income to be limited again next year, which means that we will need to rely strongly on pledges to carry out our full range of activities.

We have all been affected differently by the pandemic. Some have lost jobs or other sources of income and may find it difficult to maintain or increase giving. Others may have benefitted financially by a stimulus payment or reduced spending for vacations or restaurant meals. If you are able, please consider increasing you pledge substantially next year, since we will need increased pledge income to cover our losses in other areas such as rental income.

Why give generously to CUCC? We give generously because in God’s compassion God has given so generously to us. Through our giving to CUCC we are able to support our loving community and advance the cause of social justice in Wake County and the world. As a bonus, giving well makes a person feel good, having made a contribution toward bringing the kingdom of God in this world.

All resources related to this year’s stewardship campaign are conveniently located at the portal gocucc.from-nc.com (link also available at church website). You may pledge via the enclosed pledge form or pledge using a simple form at the portal, where you will also find all information related to the pledge campaign. You do not need to be a member of CUCC to pledge support. Remember to pledge on or before Sunday, October 25, which is our Stewardship Sunday this year. If you have any questions about how to pledge, please contact Jeanne Ledbetter, our assistant treasurer, at atreas.cucc@gmail.com.

In addition to financial support, most of us support CUCC through our time and talents as well. Volunteer to be on a ministry or committee, join the choir, teach Sunday School, come to a Bible study, or help at workdays or with socials. So please fill out the enclosed Time and Talent survey and return it with your pledge, or fill out the survey at the gocucc.from-nc.com stewardship portal.

Your Stewardship Ministry,

Joe Retzer, Chairman, and Bill Lamb, Jeanne Ledbetter, Carol Kepler, Carol Clark, Jason Myers, Lavon Page, Paul Atkinson, Michael Cline, and Vivian Hunter.