The Goal of the Veda's

The Three Deities from Vrndavana


End-conclusion of the Veda, a.k.a: The Vedanta

What do scientists say about Srila Prabhupada and his books, click here!

Vedic Philosophy

Watch out for the fake Hare Krishna's! They deviate from the sampradaya and belong to one of the apasampradayas

Goal of the Veda's is NOT impersonalism, but personalism. Impersonalists are the enemies of the Veda's!

Srila Prabhupada's comments about Impersonalists and Buddhists

Watch out for these people, they are more dangerious then atheists!!

Three Sources - Prasthanatrayi

The Goal of the Veda's is to be on the platform of sad-dharma, not asat-dharma!

Search for the Light of God (Light Of The Bhagawata)

CC - Adi 17-152-154

Adi 17.152

The Lord said, "My dear uncle, I have come to your home just to ask you some questions."

"Yes," the Kazi replied, "You are welcome. Just tell me what is in Your mind."

Adi 17.153

The Lord said, "You drink cows' milk; therefore the cow is your mother. And the bull produces grains for your maintenance; therefore he is your father."

Adi 17.154

"Since the bull and cow are your father and mother, how can you kill and eat them? What kind of religious principle is this? On what strength are you so daring that you commit such sinful activities?"

CC - Adi 17-155-157

Adi 17.155

The Kazi replied, "As You have Your scriptures called the Vedas and Puranas, we have our scripture, known as the holy Koran."

Adi 17.156

"According to the Koran, there are two ways of advancement-through increasing the propensity to enjoy and decreasing the propensity to enjoy. On the path of decreasing attachment [nivrtti-marga], the killing of animals is prohibited."

Adi 17.157

"On the path of material activities, there is regulation for killing cows. If such killing is done under the guidance of scripture, there is no sin."

CC - Adi 17-158-161

Adi 17.158

As a learned scholar, the Kazi challenged Caitanya Mahaprabhu, "In Your Vedic scriptures there is an injunction for killing a cow. On the strength of this injunction, great sages peformed sacrifices involving cow-killing."

Adi 17.159

Refuting the Kazi's statement, the Lord immediately replied, "The Vedas clearly enjoin that cows should not be killed. Therefore every Hindu, whoever he may be, avoids indulging in cow-killing."

Adi 17.160

"In the Vedas and Puranas there are injunctions declaring that if one can revive a living being, he can kill it for experimental purposes."

Adi 17.161

"Therefore the great sages sometimes killed old cows, and by chanting Vedic hymns they again brought them to life for perfection."

CC - Adi 17-162-164

Adi 17.162

"The killing and rejuvenation of such old and invalid cows was not truly killing but an act of great benefit."

Adi 17.163

"Formerly there were powerful brahmanas who could make such experiments using Vedic hymns, but now, because of the Kali-yuga, brahmanas are not so powerful. Therefore the killing of cows and bulls for rejuvenation is forbidden."

Adi 17.164

"In this Age of Kali, five acts are forbidden: the offering of a horse in sacrifice, the offering of a cow in sacrifice, the acceptance of the order of sannyasa, the offering of oblations of flesh to the forefathers, and a man's begetting children in his brother's wife."

Adi 17.165

"Since you Muslims cannot bring killed animals back to life, you are responsible for killing them. Therefore you are going to hell; there is no way for your deliverance."

Adi 17.166

"Cow-killers are condemned to rot in hellish life for as many thousands of years as there are hairs on the body of the cow."

Adi 17.167

"There are many mistakes and illusions in your scriptures. Their compilers, not knowing the essence of knowledge, gave orders that were against reason and argument."

Adi 17.168

After hearing these statements by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, the Kazi, his arguments stunned, could not put forward any more words. Thus, after due consideration, the Kazi accepted defeat and spoke as follows.

Adi 17.169

"My dear Nimai Pandita, what You have said is all true. Our scriptures have developed only recently, and they are certainly not logical and philosophical."


The sastras of the yavanas, or meat-eaters, are not eternal scriptures. They have been fashioned recently, and sometimes they contradict one another. The scriptures of the yavanas are three: the Old Testament, the New Testament and the Koran. Their compilation has a history; they are not eternal like the Vedic knowledge. Therefore although they have their arguments and reasonings, they are not very sound and transcendental. As such, modern people advanced in science and philosophy deem these scriptures unacceptable.

Sometimes Christian priests come to us inquiring, "Why are our followers neglecting our scriptures and accepting yours?" But when we ask them, "Your Bible says, 'Do not kill.' Why then are you killing so many animals daily?" they cannot answer. Some of them imperfectly answer that the animals have no souls. But then we ask them, "How do you know that animals have no souls? Animals and children are of the same nature. Does this mean that the children of human society also have no souls?" According to the Vedic scriptures, within the body is the owner of the body, the soul. In the Bhagavad-gita (2.13) it is said:

dehino 'smin yatha dehe

kaumaram yauvanam jara

tatha dehantara-praptir

dhiras tatra na muhyati

"As the embodied soul continuously passes, in this body, from boyhood to youth to old age, the soul similarly passes into another body at death. The self-realized soul is not bewildered by such a change."

Because the soul is within the body, the body changes through so many forms. There is a soul within the body of every living entity, whether animal, tree, bird or human being, and the soul is transmigrating from one type of body to another. When the scriptures of the yavanas - namely, the Old Testament, New Testament and Koran - cannot properly answer inquisitive followers, naturally those advanced in scientific knowledge and philosophy lose faith in such scriptures. The Kazi admitted this while talking with Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. The Kazi was a very intelligent person. He had full knowledge of his position, as stated in the following verse.

Sri Caitanya Caritamrita, Adi-lila, Chapter 17 verse 44:

hāḍike āniyā saba dūra karāila

jala-gomaya diyā sei sthāna lepāila

"They called for a sweeper [hadi], who threw all the items of worship far away and cleansed the place by mopping it with a mixture of water and cow dung."

Mahatma Gandhi started the hari-jana movement to purify the untouchables, but he was a failure because he thought that one could become a hari-jana, a personal associate of the Lord, through some kind of material adjustment. That is not possible. Unless one fully realizes that he is not the body but a spiritual soul, there is no question of his becoming a hari-jana. Those who do not follow in the footsteps of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu and His disciplic succession cannot distinguish between matter and spirit, and therefore all their ideas are but a mixed-up hodgepodge of problems. They are virtually lost in the bewildering network of Mayadevi.

Vedic literature teaches one to engage in pure bhakti – pure devotional service. According to the nature and qualification of its so-called followers, Vedic literature has recommended various processes such as karma and jnana. Due to the faults of these followers, various opinions have cropped up. Actually, the Vedas are the only evidence and the instructing spiritual master of mankind. On account of misinterpretation, various opinions other than pure devotional service have been preached. (Bhagavatarka-marici mala 1-6)

Adi 17.126

eta-kāla keha nāhi kaila hinduyāni

ebe ye udyama cālāo kāra bala jāni'

"For so long you did not follow the regulative principles of the Hindu religion, but now you are following them with great enthusiasm. May I know by whose strength you are doing so?"

Adi 17.130

prabhu ājñā dila--yāha karaha kīrtana

muñi saṁhārimu āji sakala yavana

Lord Caitanya ordered, "Go peform sankirtana! Today I shall kill all the Muslims!"

Purport by Srila Prabhupada

Gandhi is known for having started the movement of nonviolent civil disobedience in India, but about five hundred years before him, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu started His movement of nonviolent civil disobedience to the order of Chand Kazi. It is not necessary to commit violence to stop the opposition from hindering a movement, for one can kill their demoniac behavior with reason and argument. Following in the footsteps of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu, whenever there are obstacles the Hare Krsna movement should kill the opposition with reason and argument and thus stop their demoniac behavior. If we became violent in every case, it would be difficult for us to manage our affairs. We should therefore follow in the footsteps of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu, who disobeyed the order of Chand Kazi but subdued him with reason and argument.

Adi 17.148

grāma-sambandhe 'cakravartī' haya mora cācā

deha-sambandhe haite haya grāma-sambandha sāṅcā

"In our village relationship, Nilambara Cakravarti Thakura was my uncle. Such a relationship is stronger than a bodily relationship."


In India, even in the interior villages, all the Hindu and Muslim communities used to live very peacefully by establishing a relationship between them. The young men called the elderly members of the village by the name caca or kaka, "uncle," and men of the same age called each other dada, "brother." The relationship was very friendly. There were even invitations from Muslim houses to Hindu houses and from Hindu houses to Muslim houses. Both the Hindus and the Muslims accepted the invitations to go to one another's houses to attend ceremonial functions. Even until fifty or sixty years ago, the relationship between Hindus and Muslims was very friendly, and there were no disturbances. We do not find any Hindu - Muslim riots in the history of India, even during the days of the Muslims' rule over the country. Conflict between Hindus and Muslims was created by polluted politicians, especially foreign rulers, and thus the situation gradually became so degraded that India was divided into Hindustan and Pakistan. Fortunately, the remedy to unite not only the Hindus and Muslims but all communities and all nations can still be implemented by the Hare Krsna movement on the strong basic platform of love of Godhead.

Here and underneath, you can read, why Srila Prabhupada is the ONLY spiritual master of ISKCON and NO-ONE-ELSE is! Srila Prabhupada says it himself, when your spiritual master is obstructing your devotional service to Lord Krishna, one MUST reject him. Now are all these so-called Guru's peforming devotional service and are they helping and guiding students AND other humans on this planet aswell in this regard? In other words, a Guru, is the disciple of Srila Prabhupada and thus bonafide because the knowledge comes from the disciplic succession, are all these so-called Guru's on the same level as Srila Prabhupada? If they are not, how can they claim to be Guru? Shouldn't they call them selves monitors of madhyama adhikari's with Srila Prabhupada's lectures, orders and unmodified books as the ONLY Uttama Adhikari?

When you are familiar with Srila Prabhupada, you should know that he warns about fake devotees and enemies of the Hare Krishna Movement. Why does ISKCON GBC not broadcast Srila Prabhupada's lectures? Ever wondered about that? Why do they change his books?

Ever wondered about these stories about the Supreme Personality of Godhead Krishna? Ever wondered why now, in this Kali Age in which we are living now, these stories seem unbelievable? The reason is because they happened in previous ages (sanskrit: yuga's). In the Veda's, the division of time is also mentioned.

Read all about the Vedic Time periods here and discover the greatness of God and His devotees.

So śāstra says, ṣaṭ-karma-nipuṇo vipraḥ: "A brāhmaṇa, well conversed with these duties of brahminical duties," and mantra-tantra-viśāradaḥ, "and expert in studying the mantras, Vedic mantras, and tantra, other Vedic literature," avaiṣṇavo gurur na sa syāt, "but if he is avaiṣṇava," means he does not worship Lord Viṣṇu but other demigods, "then he cannot become guru." That is not allowed. You cannot become guru. Ṣaṭ-karma-nipuṇo vipro mantra...

So this Śukrācārya, he was against Viṣṇu. So Bali Mahārāja immediately rejected him. Therefore he became a mahājana,exemplary. Because you cannot give up your spiritual master. That is a great sin. Once accepted, the spiritual master takes responsibility for the disciple. And disciple also must be obedient to the spiritual master for life, for good. That is the relationship.

So if one rejects spiritual master, he becomes a great sinner, most sinful. So Bali Mahārāja rejected his spiritual master. That's a great sin. But he rejected on śāstric ground, because he objected for Viṣṇu worship. Therefore such spiritual master should be rejected. Should be rejected. Therefore he became mahājana, authority.

Anyone who is obstruction to worship the Supreme Lord, he should be rejected immediately. That is bhakti.

Ānukūlyasyasaṅkalpa prātikūlyam varjanam. Anything favorable for advancement of Kṛṣṇa consciousness should be accepted; anything unfavorable, that should be rejected. This is śaraṇāgati. Ānukūlyena kṛṣṇānuśīlanam [Cc. Madhya 19.167].

So by one feet the whole lower portion of the universe was covered. The other feet, the upper portion of the universe was covered. Still, the third feet remained. So Vāmanadeva asked, "Now, Bali Mahārāja, all your possession is now covered by My two feet. Where is to keep the other feet?" Bali Mahārāja said, "Yes, there is place. You just put Your feet..., foot on my head."

So in this way Bali Mahārāja surrendered everything. Sarvātma-svāpateyam. He, personal property and the personal body, everything dedicated to Kṛṣṇa. He became mahājana. There are nine processes of bhakti:

śravaṇaṁ kīrtanaṁ viṣṇoḥ

smaraṇaṁ pāda-sevanam

arcanaṁ vandanaṁ dāsyaṁ

sakhyam ātma-nivedanam

[SB 7.5.23]

So Bali Mahārāja dedicated ātma-nivedana, everything = his property, his personal body, everything. So in exchange, Vāmana, Lord Vāmana became his doorkeeper.

In the clear autumn sky the twinkling stars appear brighter and brighter, just like a transcendentalist with clear vision of the purpose of the Vedas.

It is said that the import of the Vedas becomes clear to one who is not only a sincere devotee of the Lord but also a sincere servitor of the spiritual master. The spiritual master knows the purpose of the Vedas, practices it personally, and teaches the disciple of the true light of the Vedas. The supreme spiritual master, Lord Sri Krishna, teaches us the import of the Vedas in the following verse of the Bhagavad-gita.

Bhagavad Gita As It Is by the ONLY acarya of ISKCON

Introduction to Bhagavad Gita As It Is by Srila Prabhupada

Do you have questions? Want to talk? We take all information from the lotus feet of Srila Prabhupada!