We are grateful to the leadership at Literacy Minnesota for assisting Louisiana with identifying the tools and standards that will allow us to better assist our higher education and ABE communities. With their support we have been able to make immediate progress on bridging the digital divide.

This course provides an introduction to the design of the digital computer. Topics include number systems, digital gates, Boolean Algebra, design and implementation of combinational and sequential circuits, decoders, encoders, multiplexors, flip-flops, counters, registers and memory devices. Laboratory experiments include building combinational and sequential circuits.

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Course Learning Outcomes

1. Demonstrate the use of binary arithmetic and number systems associated with the design of digital logic based systems.

2. Apply Boolean algebra as well as other common mathematical tools to simplify circuit design and analysis.

3. Build, test, and troubleshoot circuits, which incorporate discrete logic gates utilized in state-of-the-art digital computer systems.

4. Apply combinatory and sequential logic concepts to design complete digital solutions to complex circuit problems.

The New York State Education Department has awarded grant funds to 17 applicants to assist in the professional development of K-8 teachers in their knowledge and expertise of the NYS Computer Science and Digital Fluency Learning Standards. The purpose of the Smart Start grant is to develop, implement, and share innovative programs that provide professional development and support to increase expertise in computer science, engineering, and/or educational technology among teachers in grades K-8. Artifacts including lesson plans and other resources incorporating the Computer Science and Digital Fluency Standards are posted on the Smart Start Grant Program webpage.

Course description: Computer system and digital design principles. ECE 2020 introduces the many levels of abstraction that enable today's digital computing systems. It explores design at the layers of a computing platform from switches and wire to a programmable machine. At each layer, the design process of transforming a specification into an implementation is introduced and practiced. Design tools are used to build, evaluate and compare implementation approaches.

From learning the basics of how to use a computer to coding to digital media production, there is a class for everyone. Topics range from beginner to advanced level, including series-based programs for those who want more in-depth knowledge. Classes are offered in multiple languages.

ENIAC (/nik/; Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer)[1][2] was the first programmable, electronic, general-purpose digital computer, completed in 1945.[3][4] There were other computers that had combinations of these features, but the ENIAC had all of them in one computer. It was Turing-complete and able to solve "a large class of numerical problems" through reprogramming.[5][6]

ENIAC's design and construction was financed by the United States Army, Ordnance Corps, Research and Development Command, led by Major General Gladeon M. Barnes. The total cost was about $487,000, equivalent to $6,600,000 in 2022.[14] The construction contract was signed on June 5, 1943; work on the computer began in secret at the University of Pennsylvania's Moore School of Electrical Engineering[15] the following month, under the code name "Project PX", with John Grist Brainerd as principal investigator. Herman H. Goldstine persuaded the Army to fund the project, which put him in charge to oversee it for them.[16]

ENIAC was a large, modular computer, composed of individual panels to perform different functions. Twenty of these modules were accumulators that could not only add and subtract, but hold a ten-digit decimal number in memory. Numbers were passed between these units across several general-purpose buses (or trays, as they were called). In order to achieve its high speed, the panels had to send and receive numbers, compute, save the answer and trigger the next operation, all without any moving parts. Key to its versatility was the ability to branch; it could trigger different operations, depending on the sign of a computed result.

ENIAC could be programmed to perform complex sequences of operations, including loops, branches, and subroutines. However, instead of the stored-program computers that exist today, ENIAC was just a large collection of arithmetic machines, which originally had programs set up into the machine[33] by a combination of plugboard wiring and three portable function tables (containing 1,200 ten-way switches each).[34] The task of taking a problem and mapping it onto the machine was complex, and usually took weeks. Due to the complexity of mapping programs onto the machine, programs were only changed after huge numbers of tests of the current program.[35] After the program was figured out on paper, the process of getting the program into ENIAC by manipulating its switches and cables could take days. This was followed by a period of verification and debugging, aided by the ability to execute the program step by step. A programming tutorial for the modulo function using an ENIAC simulator gives an impression of what a program on the ENIAC looked like.[36][37][38]

During World War II, while the U.S. Army needed to compute ballistics trajectories, many women were interviewed for this task. At least 200 women were hired by the Moore School of Engineering to work as "computers"[19] and six of them were chosen to be the programmers of ENIAC. Betty Holberton, Kay McNulty, Marlyn Wescoff, Ruth Lichterman, Betty Jean Jennings, and Fran Bilas, programmed the ENIAC to perform calculations for ballistics trajectories electronically for the Army's Ballistic Research Laboratory.[42] While men having the same education and experience were designated as "professionals", these women were unreasonably designated as "subprofessionals", though they had professional degrees in mathematics, and were highly trained mathematicians.[42]

These women were not, as computer scientist and historian Kathryn Kleiman was once told, "refrigerator ladies", i.e., models posing in front of the machine for press photography.[43] However, some of the women did not receive recognition for their work on the ENIAC in their entire lifetimes.[19] After the war ended, the women continued to work on the ENIAC. Their expertise made their positions difficult to replace with returning soldiers.[44]

These early programmers were drawn from a group of about two hundred women employed as computers at the Moore School of Electrical Engineering at the University of Pennsylvania. The job of computers was to produce the numeric result of mathematical formulas needed for a scientific study, or an engineering project. They usually did so with a mechanical calculator. The women studied the machine's logic, physical structure, operation, and circuitry in order to not only understand the mathematics of computing, but also the machine itself.[19] This was one of the few technical job categories available to women at that time.[45] Betty Holberton (ne Snyder) continued on to help write the first generative programming system (SORT/MERGE) and help design the first commercial electronic computers, the UNIVAC and the BINAC, alongside Jean Jennings.[46] McNulty developed the use of subroutines in order to help increase ENIAC's computational capability.[47]

Herman Goldstine selected the programmers, whom he called operators, from the computers who had been calculating ballistics tables with mechanical desk calculators, and a differential analyzer prior to and during the development of ENIAC.[19] Under Herman and Adele Goldstine's direction, the computers studied ENIAC's blueprints and physical structure to determine how to manipulate its switches and cables, as programming languages did not yet exist. Though contemporaries considered programming a clerical task and did not publicly recognize the programmers' effect on the successful operation and announcement of ENIAC,[19] McNulty, Jennings, Snyder, Wescoff, Bilas, and Lichterman have since been recognized for their contributions to computing.[48][49][50] Three of the current (2020) Army supercomputers Jean, Kay, and Betty are named after Jean Bartik (Betty Jennings), Kay McNulty, and Betty Snyder respectively.[51]

The "programmer" and "operator" job titles were not originally considered professions suitable for women. The labor shortage created by World War II helped enable the entry of women into the field.[19] However, the field was not viewed as prestigious, and bringing in women was viewed as a way to free men up for more skilled labor. Essentially, women were seen as meeting a need in a temporary crisis.[19] For example, the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics said in 1942, "It is felt that enough greater return is obtained by freeing the engineers from calculating detail to overcome any increased expenses in the computers' salaries. The engineers admit themselves that the girl computers do the work more rapidly and accurately than they would. This is due in large measure to the feeling among the engineers that their college and industrial experience is being wasted and thwarted by mere repetitive calculation".[19]

Related to ENIAC's role in the hydrogen bomb was its role in the Monte Carlo method becoming popular. Scientists involved in the original nuclear bomb development used massive groups of people doing huge numbers of calculations ("computers" in the terminology of the time) to investigate the distance that neutrons would likely travel through various materials. John von Neumann and Stanislaw Ulam realized the speed of ENIAC would allow these calculations to be done much more quickly.[58] The success of this project showed the value of Monte Carlo methods in science.[59]

The original contract amount was $61,700; the final cost was almost $500,000 (approximately equivalent to $8,000,000 in 2022). It was formally accepted by the U.S. Army Ordnance Corps in July 1946. ENIAC was shut down on November 9, 1946, for a refurbishment and a memory upgrade, and was transferred to Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland in 1947. There, on July 29, 1947, it was turned on and was in continuous operation until 11:45 p.m. on October 2, 1955, when it was retired in favor of the more efficient EDVAC and ORDVAC computers.[2] ff782bc1db

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