
My Final Project: The Punch-Card Processor


How it Works:

  1. Note Conversion

Each note can be played on the Ev3 brain by executing a playTone() function, which takes in two inputs. The two inputs are Hertz and time. The brain is able to make sounds higher than 220Hz, so most notes after A3 is playable. However, the quality is not the best.

2. Assigning colors to notes

The brains are assigned a specific octave range that is suited for the melody that the user wants to play. Here, I specifically assigned two brains to the upper octave and one to the lower.

3. Wire Map

I used three colorsensors and one large motor for my project, as well as 3 brains.

4. Making Sounds

Each of the three brains are responsible for processing one line of data. There are three lines of input.

Music Example

(The bot can be configured to play sharps and flats also by adjusting the Hertz output)