Organic Supramolecular 

Chemistry Lab

Our research is focused on the design and synthesis of molecules capable of interacting with biologically and environmentally important chemical species including cations, anions, amino acids, and neutral molecules. We are particularly interested in the construction of macrocyclic compounds that can be applied to lithium extraction for recycling, ion sensing, sugar detection, chiral discrimination, supramolecular self-assembly, and carbon dioxide conversion.

[2023.07.17.] Our group website has been opened.

[2023.07.26.] Ju Ho's paper on a cage molecule was accepted for publication in Chem. Commun. Congratulations!!

[2023.08.22.] Ju Hyun was selected as a recipient of a research fund from KRF (1억 2000만원/2년). Congratulations!! 

[2023.08.25.] Nam Jung's fluoride extraction paper was accepted for publication in Chem. Eur. J. Congrats!!

[2023.08.25.] Ju Ho successfully completed his doctoral course and received his Ph.D degree.

[2023.12.10] Nam Jung's paper on an anion receptor was accepted for publication in ChemistrySelect. Congrats!!

[2023.08.15] Nam Jung's paper on a LiCl and LiBr extractant  was accepted for publication in Chem. Sci. Congrats!!

Recently Published Papers

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For contact: / 055) 772-1494
