beem is an unofficial python library for steem and HIVE, which is created new from scratch from python-bitsharesThe library name is derived from a beam machine, similar to the analogy between steem and steam. beem includes python-graphenelib.

High unit test coverageSupport for websocket nodesNative support for new Appbase callsNode error handling and automatic node switchingUsage of pycryptodomex instead of the outdated pycryptoComplete documentation of beempy and all classes including all functionshivesigner integrationWorks on read-only systemsOwn BlockchainObject class with cacheContains all broadcast operationsEstimation of virtual account operation index from date or block numberthe command line tool beempy uses click and has more commandsNodeRPC can be used to execute even not implemented RPC-CallsMore complete implementionInstallationThe minimal working python version is 3.6.x

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With the help of pyinstaller, a stand alone version of beempy was created for Windows, OSX and linux.Each version has just to be unpacked and can be used in any terminal. The packed directoriescan be found under release. Each release has a hash sum, which is created directly in the build-serverbefore transmitting the packed file. Please check the hash-sum after downloading.

The beem library has been designed to allow developers to easilyaccess its routines and make use of the network without dealing with allthe related blockchain technology and cryptography. This library can beused to do anything that is allowed according to the Steem/Hiveblockchain protocol. 17dc91bb1f

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