Why is my Gmail Account Suspended?

Why is my Gmail account suspended? 

Success is equated with simply being online; ‘Suspension’, on the other hand, can be  compared with one being cast adrift upon a sea of uncertainty. This means there will be  lost visibility, a decrease in traffic, and decreased interactions with customers. The  problem could have been just an oversight of some minor detail or it could have involved  a very complex compliance issue; either way, knowing why your profile was suspended  is the first step toward fixing the problem. 

Below, we look at some of the most common reasons for suspension, try to explain the  difference between suspension and a ban, and show some actionable strategies not only  to reinstate your profile but also how to avoid such inconveniences in the future. 

What does Account Suspension Mean?

The notification from Google would come in the form "Your Profile is Suspended" and  would indicate that your business has, for some sort of policy violation or for some  information discrepancies, been temporarily removed from Search and Maps. Such suspensions block your visibility online and decrease the rate of customer response.  

The usual case for suspension normally arises on grounds of inconsistency in your  business information, not following the guidelines of Google, or even for suspicious  activities. 

To handle this, you are going to have to contemplate reflectively and ensure the issues  that had it suspended are corrected. This will involve ensuring all information on the profile  is accurate, removal of content that goes against the terms set by Google, after which it  can be requested again from Google. This is where you are really diligent in looking for  all possible pitfalls so that you may increase the possibility of successful reinstatement. 

Well, don't you worry; all that will be covered in this blog. First of all, this is not something  to freak out over. Google suspensions are nothing out of the ordinary, and it also happens just because you changed something on your profile. 

All you have to do is take immediate action so that your profile finds its way back in no  time. 

Google Suspension Versus Google Ban 

A Google suspension would generally imply that it's some form of temporary action, or  even reversible against your account, due to a policy violation or suspected suspicious  activities. Most times, your business listing just won't appear, and you can't edit it either.  Fortunately, most of the suspensions are resolvable. 

You would need to go through the policies that Google prescribes and understand the  reasons for suspension. Thereafter, effect the due corrections; this may also include  updating business information or removing forbidden content. It is then that you can 

Request a review; if Googles finds your corrections apt, then it may lift the suspension of  your account. 

A ban is graver in measure and, in most cases, forever. In most cases, the account will  have been banned due to some serious or repeated violation against an agreement  binding one with Google. While the account gets banned-meaning that it is deleted forever-one will not be able to access it and everything that comes along with the account. Unlike suspensions, bans are hardly reversible. 

Because of this, following the instructions provided by Google about such things would  be highly relevant; likewise, taking immediate corrective action with regard to warnings  and suspensions received. You can try contacting Google in case you feel that your  account was banned by mistake; reinstatement is not guaranteed. 

Common Reasons for Gmail Account Suspension 

Reason #1 - Your profile is somehow fake or misleading. 

It could be in the form of using a company name that does not depict your business  exactly, or even using incorrect contact details. Google wants to make such listings that  it can assure the accuracy of; hence, your profile should be a reflection of your business.  Any discrepancy or exaggerated claim in the profile might mislead anyone and needs to  be checked on a regular basis. 

Reason #2: You have created duplicate profiles for the same exact business listing  

Google allows one profile for one business location to keep its user from getting confused. And if you have created more than one profile regarding your same location, that can be  a reason too for suspension. You need to look out for those duplicate profiles and merge  all of your business information into one complete and accurate listing. 

Reason #3: For some reason, your profile content has violated the user guidelines set up by Google.  

This is because Google's User Guidelines protect the users, hence creating a safe, positive experience for all. Examples include inappropriate contents, promotion of  unlawful activities, usage of offensive language, among others, which might be eventually suspending your profile altogether. Go into your profile content time and time again,  making sure it's following the guidelines. If your profile has been suspended, then go into  your content and find and correct any possible violations. 

Reason #4: Google has flagged a profile manager or account owner as suspicious due to one form of suspicious behavior. 

The integrity of your Google Business Profile can be comprised if a profile manager or  owner has been found suspicious in certain activities, including spamming or phishing. Of 

importance is the fact that any person who has access to your profile upholds the  behaviors set by Google. Ongoing audits of account activity and good account practices  will help you avoid it. 

Reason #5: You make us of excessive keyword 

More popularly, this is referred to as "keyword stuffing." 

Google loves natural content that's relevant. Focus on real useful content rather than  keyword-stuffing, and focus on making sure it uses keywords relevant in a natural way-to  and representative of-your business. 

A common way that local service businesses violate this rule is including in the name the  city name, or service name. Your business name should be the exact same as it was on  your business license, or your DBA - Doing Business As - name that is registered at your  local county/city office. 

Reason #6: Your business address isn't a valid address. 

Google does expect a valid physical address of the business. Using a P.O. box, virtual  offices, or residential addresses if you are not operating a home-based business can get  you suspended. Ensure that your address is an actual place where your business  operates from physically and that this place is identical across every other online listing. 

Reason #7: Your business information is incomplete or outdated. 

Outdated or incorrect information about the business deceives users and is against the  guidelines on Google. Make sure your profile updates with any change in your business  hours, contact information, and the services you offer. This helps in keeping you away  from the ambit of suspension and also builds up trust and responses among customers. 

Reason #8 - You have fake reviews. 

Google also temporarily or permanently removes profiles featuring fake or incentivized  reviews, as such practices deceive customers and corrode trust in those reviews. Instead,  you want to encourage your customers to leave reviews and professionally respond to  both positive and negative reviews alike. If those fake reviews do pop up, go ahead and  report them to Google for removal. 

How to recover a suspended Gmail account 

1. Ascertain cause of suspension 

The first thing you should be crystal clear on is the reason behind your Google  Business Profile's suspension.

In that case, go through the email notification that has been sent by Google. It  would contain in it the exact reasons for doing so. If that is not clear from the e mail, go through your profile where it might be violating the guidelines, including: • False/misleading business information 

• Spam words or keywords that are unapproved 

• There are multiple profiles of the very same place 

• Correct the Violation 

2. Once you have identified the violation, now you will need to make the edits in the light of Google Guidelines. Following are some of the common issues and their  fixes: 

• Business Information Update: Your all business information-name, address,  phone number also referred to as NAP should be updated and correct and  uniform on every platform. 

• Remove Duplicate Listings: If you have created more than one profile of a  single business, then remove or merge the duplicate listings. 

• Replace with a Physical Address: If you use a virtual office or P.O. box,  replace it with an actual, physical address where your business operates. 

3. Make a Maintenance Request 

Once the needed corrections are done, you can proceed with submitting a request  for reinstatement to Google. How? It is explained in the following steps: • Google Business Profile Help Center: Visit the Google Business Profile Help  Center and click on "Request reinstatement.". 

• Fill out the Form: Fill in the necessary details such as your business name,  address, and a description of what you have done so far to try and resolve  the problem. 

• Attach Supporting Documents: Where appropriate, attach any supporting  documents, such as utility bills, business licenses, or other official  documents proving your business information. 

• Check Your E-mail and Profile: Checking your email for subsequent  responses from Google. The reinstatement can take place in days or weeks.  It, therefore, requires patience and preparation in case there is a need to  supplement more information. 

Future Suspensions to Avoid 

To avoid future suspensions from taking place here are best practices that can be  followed: 

• Information: Keep your business information up to date and ensure that everything  is accurate. 

• Google Guidelines: Put into practice all that you know concerning Google  guidelines as you represent your business. 

• Not to Mislead: Never get used to the practice involving fake information,  unauthorized keywords, or anything that, once done, will be regarded as  misleading and spammy.

Practical Steps to Preventing Future Gmail Suspensions 

• Send no more than 150 cold emails per day. Warming emails don't count, just your  emails. 150 cold emails per day is the maximum allowed to be sent per inbox.  Below is even better. The fewer, the better for your deliverability.  

• Besides that, one should always ask why people flag my emails as spam? And  here's the top causes of spam complaints: 

• It's too hard to unsubscribe from your email 

• Your email is too pushy or sales 

• You send too many follow-ups. We recommend 2 follow-ups max, 3 emails in total. At least 3 days between each emails to let people breath. 

• Your email is irrelevant for them : bad targeting. 

• Your email contains an error they didn't like ('Hi Last Name' for example is a good  one) 

• Your email pisses them off in some other way 

Suspicion of spam, while highly disruptive, is quite controllable with the right approach to  reinstate your Google Business Profile. You can reinstate it by troubleshooting what went wrong, fixing any problems, and filing a request for reinstatement. You can also continue  leveraging Google's platform to connect with customers. Just remember to always follow  the guideline given by Google so future suspensions could be avoided, along with  credibility and trust online. 

Frequently Asked Questions:

Is it possible to recover my Gmail account if it was hacked?

Yes, you can. For more details look here:  https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/6294825?hl=en 

How long does it take for Google to respond to an appeal? 

Depend on the complexity of some a few days, while others take several weeks