Glow Games Privacy Policy

Glow Games respects the privacy policy of everyone who uses our games . Everybody who downloads the game have the right to know how we collect and use the information that you provide through our games.

Terms and Conditions

By using our games you agree to the terms and conditions set forth. You agree to the collection of your personal information and non personal information and if you do not agree the policy than please do not use our product.

Collections of Personal Information

Personal information specifically identifies the user personal information that can be used to the user online or offline information (full name , physical address , email address , geolocation information , photograph , telephone number , credit card information for In-app purchases). Glow Games is committed to complying with the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998 (COPPA). We do not collect personal information from children which are below 13.

Collections of Personal Information

Non-personal information means that does not identify the user and cannot be used to contact the user (IP address , Unique device Id (UDID) , date of birth , gender). Non personal information also includes the actions that user takes within and outside the game , scores , achievements , urls that user visited within or outside the game. Some information may be collected by the third-party services.

Marketing and Advertising

We allow the advertisement from third party advertisers. These advertisement are carefully selected to provide information about products and services which may be interest to our users. Note if you click on these advertisements these advertisers may collect non-personal information about you. We recommend that you review the third party advertiser privacy policy before any click on advertisement. Their privacy policy are responsible , not ours , for any interactions.

What Do We Do With The Information We Gather

We require this information to understand your needs and provide you with a better service, and in particular for the following reasons:

Internet record keeping.

We may use the information to improve our products and services.

Use and Disclosure Of Information

We will not use or disclose personal information about our users otherwise that for the purpose of providing or offering goods and services to them. We will , wherever possible , maintain personal information in strict confidence. Any disclosure that is required to be made to any third-party will be made primarily for the purpose of providing or offering goods and services to you.

Cookies & Local Storage

When you access or use the Service , We may use industry wide technologies such as “Cookies” which store certain information on your device (“Local storage”) and which will allow us to enable automatic activation of certain features and make your service experience more better and effortless. These “Cookies” are created per session and do not gather any information.

Changes to the Privacy Policy

Glow Game reserves the right to update the policy at any time, so please revisit the place frequently. We will make reasonable efforts to post a clear notice on the service.