1st International Workshop on 

Generalizing from Limited Resources in the Open World

IJCAI 2023 Workshop | Macao,  S.A.R | August 20, 2023

Call for papers

In this workshop, we aim to bring researchers from the fields of open-world learning, zero/few-shot learning, domain adaptation, efficient learning methods, etc., together to share ideas about their recent research and discuss future directions for the generalization of AI models. In particular, this topic is timely and has drawn intensive attention from researchers, given the practical applications related to this topic. The workshop will present several prestigious awards, including Best Paper Award, etc., for excellent submissions to praise their contributions. We hope to provide a forum to exchange ideas and offer new insights to address this generalization problem of AI models, advancing the development of real-world AI applications. 

We invite submissions on any aspect of generalizing from limited resources in the open world. We welcome research contributions related to the following (but not limited to) topics: 


Submissions papers (.pdf format) must use the  IJCAI 2023 Author Kit for LaTeX/Word Zip file  and need to be anonymized and follow IJCAI 2023 author instructions. The workshop considers two types of submissions: 

Submission Site: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=glow23

Submission Due: May 28, 2023, Anywhere on Earth (AoE) 

Important Dates

Paper Submission Deadline

 May 28, 2023      

Author Notification

June 4, 2023 

Camera Ready Submission

June 14, 2023

Scheduled Workshop Date

 August 20, 2023