Training and Capacity builDing in R - Globefish provides Teaching tailored to your precise needs

Tailored courses in R (

Globefish also offers tailored, either in person or online, training and capacity development in the utility of R to all types of fisheries and marine scientific data including:

  1. Data cleaning and processing

  2. Interacting with SQL databases including PostGIS

  3. Programming (loops, version control, developing libraries/packages)

  4. Plotting and mapping (e.g. ggplot)

  5. Population (stock) assessment and FLR (

  6. Modeling growth

  7. Statistical modeling

  8. Spatial data and analyses

  9. Simulation and bootstrapping

  10. Reproducible reporting with Rmarkdown

  11. RStudio and RShiny


Globefish has access to a wide range of potential teachers including Dr Doug Beare and Professor Laurence Kell who both have more than 25 years experience applying R in all areas of fisheries science. Doug has, for example, developed R courses in the analysis of trawl survey data, VMS (Vessel Monitoring System) data, and the information arising from large scale fish tagging programmes while Prof Kell has focused on the application of R to stock assessment in a wide range of contexts; including being a key player in the development of FLR. Contact us to discuss your needs and get a quote.