Diplomatic Officers providing Ecologically Sustainable Development Services

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A Sovereign Autonomous Non-State Nation of Global Citizens

Globcal International is a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO), a cooperative international non-governmental organization (CiNGO), a benign non-state actor (NSA), an international civil society organization (iCSO) and a private offshore foundation developed, established, organized, and operated by a fellowship of goodwill ambassadors and global citizens. Our members are diplomats, professionals, social media protagonists, student activists, and public figures engaged and united in like-minded advocacy of a peaceful and sustainable world. The organization is recognized by the United Nations as a civil society and collaborates accordingly under the United Nations Rule of Law and the international laws which we understand.

Our organization was developed to operate legally internationally notwithstanding the authority and jurisdiction of the nation-state to offer assistance to good people who have been left behind, those without a country, fourth-world societies, indigenous peoples, or anyone who may be technically stranded at sea. In accordance with Maritime and Admiralty law, our legal authority exists by the Grace of God and our will as free citizens of our respective nations and the Pachamama (Mother Earth) when we reach the banks of sovereign nations with our presents to visit as mentors, partners, and investors in friendships understanding the ideals of international cooperation, equality, human rights, and sustainable development.

All of our members are recognized as natural persons or emissaries of nations that are engaged in benevolent and philanthropic acts of goodwill and charity.

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Our information is provided in an effort for the civil society to maintain a natural human conscious existence through our forthcoming revolution of the human mind. The information and authority we express is meant to enlighten and liberate the human being in life and spirit and is presented here for your consideration. The information presented here may not be legal or considered by the law in your local national or provincial physical jurisdiction.

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