Why RAW is Better Than JPEG For Wedding Photography?

There is no definitive answer as to which format is "better" for wedding photography. It really depends on your own personal preferences and requirements. However, some general points to keep in mind when making this decision include:

RAW is a file format that captures all image data recorded by the sensor when you take a photo. When shooting in a format like JPEG image information is compressed and lost. Whatever, image format you use, you may avail of Wedding Photography Editing Services to get the high-quality image for sharing on social media and other places. 

Most professionals emphasize that RAW is better than JPEG for wedding photography. Here, the top-notch Wedding Photo Retouching Services have come up with a blog detailing the beneficial side of RAW. 

Some advantages of raw images

High-quality image

You are able to make photographs of better quality with RAW since there is no information compression involved. You are also able to rectify issues with images that would be irretrievable if they were taken in JPEG format. As a result of this, most people choose to take their photographs in RAW rather than JPEG these days.

People were initially averse to keeping RAW photographs since these images often have a drab and unattractive aspect and, as a result, need the assistance of wedding photo retouching professionals before being delivered to the newlywed couple.

Keeping the RAW files gives wedding photographers the ability to utilize their work in the future for promotional purposes in the form of print or online publications.

More Greater ranges of both the dynamic and the chromatic spectrum

The recovery capability of a RAW picture over a JPEG image for underexposed or overexposed highlights and shadows is significantly greater. When compared to a JPEG picture, the dynamic range and colour spectrum of a RAW image are far greater. 

In comparison to a JPEG picture, the dynamic range and colour spectrum of a RAW image are far more expansive. 

RAW means no compression

Images captured in RAW format have no compression, While JPEG photographs suffer from image compression. RAW images generally use lossless compression (unless a particular "lossy" RAW compression" is specified).

Fewer options for fine-tuning and manipulation

To create a RAW picture, all camera settings, including camera-specific and manufacturer-specific information (often referred to as image metadata), are included with the RAW data from the image sensor.

Once the demosaicing and RAW conversion procedure has taken place, the metadata will be utilized to make modifications to the RAW picture, including gamma correction, white balance, brightness, and contrast.

After taking a picture, you can modify the colour space in software like Lightroom or Photoshop, but the original RAW image is left untouched and unaffected. In the same way that white balance is not retained in RAW photos, colour space (such as sRGB or Adobe RGB) may also be changed to any other colour space later on.

Better sharpening 

RAW photographs do not undergo any sharpening, allowing you to apply more sophisticated sharpening algorithms to your shots.

Extreme color shades

In contrast to an image that is encoded in 8 bits JPEG, which can only include up to 16.8 million colours (256 tonal values), an image that is encoded in 12 bits RAW may contain up to 68.7 billion colours (4,096 tonal values per colour channel).

In case you were wondering about the disparity between this statistic and JPEG's, the answer is that it is 16.8 million times higher. 

There are also high-end cameras that are capable of capturing 16-bit RAW photos, which yields 65,536 tonal values for each colour channel.

Final Word

In short, shooting in RAW yields high-quality images that may be further enhanced by Wedding Photography Editing Services.

RAW files provide a broader dynamic range and color spectrum. RAW also captures and stores all of the information that travels through your camera's sensors. So it's better to click wedding photos in RAW and later contact a Wedding Photo Retouching Service for high-quality images.