Committee Members


Join the GlobalFest Illinois Committee! We meet just four times per year to plan each event, and it's a great addition to the professionalism component of your Danielson evaluations! Contact the Chairwoman, Catey Harshman, at for more information. We hope to see you soon!

2020 Committee Members:

Cathryn Harshman (Chairwoman), Kathryn Hvala (Treasurer), Jenny Naujalis (Secretary and Website), Matthew Wilkie, and Patricia King.

2020 Host Committee Members:

Christiane Eydt-Beebe (Coordinator), Kristin Routt (Outreach), Vanesa Landrus (Session Coordination), Carlos Amaya, Blair Watson, and Irene Jacobsen.

Retired/Emeritus Committee Members:

Julia Mullikin (Chairwoman), Sandy Jurgovan (Treasurer), Jerome Grand (Website), Shelli Lord (Global Market), Tina Stewart (Global Market), Deb Flavin, Debbie Guild, David Hirst, Waunita Kinoshita, Angeles Moran, Matthew Jagel, Duane Johansen, Bart La Buz, Ryan Brown, Lynn Fors, Maria Hancock Nihei, Karla Button, Anna Hog, Vaishali Wagh, Lisa Luangsomkham, Yvonne Yelnick-Pickett, Jo Anne Bratkovich, Jeremie Smith, and Julien Ehrenkonig.