Global Convergent Logic


This site is a landing page for those who are new to the Universal Perspective of the Unfolding of Time (UPUT) and the Global Convergent Logic (GCL).

Here you can find resources in English and also will have the chance to book a p2p meeting in case you need specific directions to start your journey.

CONTACT: Telegram Channel

The Global Convergent Logic (GCL) is based on the notion that our body and brain are constituted by the materials of the Earth, so each of us is a "biological terminal" of the planet that maintains us interconnected by means of logic. This logic is what connects the conscious realm with the unconscious realm of our existence and GCL is a way of consciously accessing that unconscious aspect that governs our relationship with the environment.

To access this logic you only need to enable your processor by a nightly derivation.