Note that files beginning with a dot (.) can only be matched bypatterns that also start with a dot,unlike fnmatch.fnmatch() or pathlib.Path.glob().(For tilde and shell variable expansion, use os.path.expanduser() andos.path.expandvars().)

If root_dir is not None, it should be a path-like objectspecifying the root directory for searching. It has the same effect onglob() as changing the current directory before calling it. Ifpathname is relative, the result will contain paths relative toroot_dir.

Glob Az 28 May

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For example, consider a directory containing the following files:1.gif, 2.txt, card.gif and a subdirectory subwhich contains only the file 3.txt. glob() will producethe following results. Notice how any leading components of the path arepreserved.

In computer programming, glob (/lb/) patterns specify sets of filenames with wildcard characters. For example, the Unix Bash shell command mv *.txt textfiles/ moves all files with names ending in .txt from the current directory to the directory textfiles. Here, * is a wildcard and *.txt is a glob pattern. The wildcard * stands for "any string of any length including empty, but excluding the path separator characters (/ in unix and \ in windows)".

Glob was originally written in the B programming language. It was the first piece of mainline Unix software to be developed in a high-level programming language.[2] Later, this functionality was provided as a C library function, glob(), used by programs such as the shell. It is usually defined based on a function named fnmatch(), which tests for whether a string matches a given pattern - the program using this function can then iterate through a series of strings (usually filenames) to determine which ones match. Both functions are a part of POSIX: the functions defined in POSIX.1 since 2001, and the syntax defined in POSIX.2.[3][4] The idea of defining a separate match function started with wildmat (wildcard match), a simple library to match strings against Bourne Shell globs.

Traditionally, globs do not match hidden files in the form of Unix dotfiles; to match them the pattern must explicitly start with .. For example, * matches all visible files while .* matches all hidden files.

Unix globbing is handled by the shell per POSIX tradition. Globbing is provided on filenames at the command line and in shell scripts.[8] The POSIX-mandated case statement in shells provides pattern-matching using glob patterns.

Some shells (such as the C shell and Bash) support additional syntax known as alternation or brace expansion. Because it is not part of the glob syntax, it is not provided in case. It is only expanded on the command line before globbing.

The original DOS was a clone of CP/M designed to work on Intel's 8088 and 8086 processors. Windows shells, following DOS, do not traditionally perform any glob expansion in arguments passed to external programs. Shells may use an expansion for their own builtin commands:

Windows and DOS programs receive a long command-line string instead of argv-style parameters, and it is their responsibility to perform any splitting, quoting, or glob expansion. There is technically no fixed way of describing wildcards in programs since they are free to do what they wish. Two common glob expanders include:[12]

Most other parts of Windows, including the Indexing Service, use the MS-DOS style of wildcards found in CMD. A relic of the 8.3 filename age, this syntax pays special attention to dots in the pattern and the text (filename). Internally this is done using three extra wildcard characters, ". On the Windows API end, the .mw-parser-output .monospaced{font-family:monospace,monospace}glob() equivalent is FindFirstFile, and fnmatch() corresponds to its underlying RtlIsNameInExpression.[14] (Another fnmatch analogue is PathMatchSpec.) Both open-source msvcrt expanders use FindFirstFile, so 8.3 filename quirks will also apply in them.

Standard SQL uses a glob-like syntax for simple string matching in its LIKE operator, although the term "glob" is not generally used in the SQL community. The percent sign (%) matches zero or more characters and the underscore (_) matches exactly one.

The original Mozilla proxy auto-config implementation, which provides a glob-matching function on strings, uses a replace-as-RegExp implementation as above. The bracket syntax happens to be covered by regex in such an example.

Beyond their uses in shells, globs patterns also find use in a variety of programming languages, mainly to process human input. A glob-style interface for returning files or an fnmatch-style interface for matching strings are found in the following programming languages:

Note Glob patterns should always use / as a path separator,even on Windows systems, as \ is used to escape globcharacters. If you wish to use \ as a path separator insteadof using it as an escape character on Windows platforms, you mayset windowsPathsNoEscape:true in the options. In this mode,special glob characters cannot be escaped, making it impossibleto match a literal * ? and so on in filenames.

Syncronous form of globStream(). Will read all the matches asfast as you consume them, even all in a single tick if youconsume them immediately, but will still respond to backpressureif they're not consumed immediately.

Brace expansion is not considered "magic" unless themagicalBraces option is set, as brace expansion just turns onestring into an array of strings. So a pattern like 'x{a,b}y'would return false, because 'xay' and 'xby' both do notcontain any magic glob characters, and it's treated the same asif you had called it on ['xay', 'xby']. WhenmagicalBraces:true is in the options, brace expansion istreated as a pattern having magic.

Note that this makes it impossible to match against pathscontaining literal glob pattern characters, but allows matchingwith patterns constructed using path.join() andpath.resolve() on Windows platforms, mimicking the (buggy!)behavior of Glob v7 and before on Windows. Please use withcaution, and be mindful of the caveat below about Windowspaths. (For legacy reasons, this is also set ifallowWindowsEscape is set to the exact value false.)

If a string or string[] is provided, then this is treated as aglob pattern or array of glob patterns to exclude from matches.To ignore all children within a directory, as well as the entryitself, append '/**' to the ignore pattern.

The double-star character ** is supported by default, unlessthe noglobstar flag is set. This is supported in the manner ofbsdglob and bash 5, where ** only has special significance ifit is the only thing in a path part. That is, a/**/b will matcha/x/y/b, but a/**b will not.

Note that symlinked directories are not traversed as part of a**, though their contents may match against subsequent portionsof the pattern. This prevents infinite loops and duplicates andthe like. You can force glob to traverse symlinks with ** bysetting {follow:true} in the options.

If brace expansion is not disabled, then it is performed beforeany other interpretation of the glob pattern. Thus, a patternlike +(a|{b),c)}, which would not be valid in bash or zsh, isexpanded first into the set of +(a|b) and +(a|c), andthose patterns are checked for validity. Since those two arevalid, matching proceeds.

Though windows uses either / or \ as its path separator, only/ characters are used by this glob implementation. You must useforward-slashes only in glob expressions. Back-slashes willalways be interpreted as escape characters, not path separators.

By design, this implementation caches all readdir calls that itmakes, in order to cut down on system overhead. However, thisalso makes it even more susceptible to races, especially if thecache object is reused between glob calls.

Every library reflects a set of opinions and priorities in thetrade-offs it makes. Other than this library, I can personallyrecommend both globby andfast-glob, though they differ in theirbenefits and drawbacks.

fast-glob is, as far as I am aware, the fastest globimplementation in JavaScript today. However, there are manycases where the choices that fast-glob makes in pursuit ofspeed mean that its results differ from the results returned byBash and other sh-like shells, which may be surprising.

In my testing, fast-glob is around 10-20% faster than thismodule when walking over 200k files nested 4 directoriesdeep1. However, there are some inconsistencieswith Bash matching behavior that this module does not sufferfrom:

Globby exhibits all of the same pattern semantics as fast-glob,(as it is a wrapper around fast-glob) and is slightly slower thannode-glob (by about 10-20% in the benchmark test set, or in otherwords, anywhere from 20-50% slower than fast-glob). However, itadds some API conveniences that may be worth the costs.

The priority of this module is "correctness" in the sense ofperforming a glob pattern expansion as faithfully as possible tothe behavior of Bash and other sh-like shells, with as much speedas possible.

Note that prior versions of node-glob are not on this list.Former versions of this module are far too slow for any caseswhere performance matters at all, and were designed with APIsthat are extremely dated by current JavaScript standards.

This question is a spin-off from this one. Some history: when I first learned Perl, I pretty much always used glob rather than opendir + readdir because I found it easier. Then later various posts and readings suggested that glob was bad, and so now I pretty much always use readdir.

After thinking over this recent question I realized that my reasons for one or the other choice may be bunk. So, I'm going to lay out some pros and cons, and I'm hoping that more experienced Perl folks can chime in and clarify. The question in a nutshell is are there compelling reasons to prefer glob to readdir or readdir to glob (in some or all cases)?

You missed the most important, biggest difference between them: glob gives you back a list, but opendir gives you a directory handle. You can pass that directory handle around to let other objects or subroutines use it. With the directory handle, the subroutine or object doesn't have to know anything about where it came from, who else is using it, and so on: 2351a5e196

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