Terms Of Service

To play our game you always have to follow and agree to the terms of service. If they are not to be followed, consequences will occur. 


All users are required to be at the age of 13 or over to play the game. If you are caught being underage, you will be banned from the game until you have turned 13. 

Files and Property of Glitch

You may not steal or use any files that are property of Glitch and use them for your own advantage/project. If you are caught doing so, legal action will be taken against you. 


Making mods/cheats for the game to get an unfair advantage is strictly forbidden. If you are caught doing this, legal action will be taken. It is also prohibited to exploit bugs to get an unfair advantage, instead of abusing the bug. Report it to the development team so that we can improve the game and make it a better experience for everyone. 

Respect to other users. 

You are always required to have a good tone to everyone. Skin color, sexuality, gender or anything else shouldn't matter. Breaking this part of the TOS is a serious offence and will not be taken lightly. Racism, homophobia or anything such as it is also never acceptable, this is also a serious offence.