
Craig Knoblock

Craig Knoblock is the Keston Executive Director, USC Information Sciences Institute, Research Professor of both Computer Science and Spatial Sciences, and Vice Dean of Engineering at the University of Southern California. He received his Bachelor of Science degree from Syracuse University and his Master’s and Ph.D. from Carnegie Mellon University in computer science. He has published more than 400 journal articles, book chapters, and conference and workshop papers and has received 7 best paper awards on these papers. Dr. Knoblock is a Fellow of the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), a Fellow of the Association of Computing Machinery (ACM), past President and Trustee of the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), and winner of the Robert S. Engelmore Award.

Tucker Balch

Dr. Balch is a Research Director at J.P. Morgan AI Research and a professor of Interactive Computing at Georgia Tech (on leave). He is interested in problems concerning multi-agent social behavior in domains ranging from financial markets to tracking and modeling the behavior of ants, honeybees and monkeys. He co-founded Lucena Research, an investment software firm that applies Machine Learning and Big Data approaches to investment problems. Balch has published 120 peer-reviewed articles.

His work has been covered by the Wall Street Journal, CNN, New Scientist, Institutional Investor, and the New York Times. His graduated students work at NASA/JPL, Boston Dynamics, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Citadel, AQR, and BlackRock. Before his career in computing, Tucker was an F-15 pilot in the US Air Force.

Marinka Zitnik

Marinka Zitnik investigates machine learning for science and medicine. Her methods leverage biomedical data at the scale of billions of interactions among millions of entities, blend machine learning with statistics and data science, and infuse biomedical knowledge into deep learning. Problems she investigates are motivated by network biology and medicine, genomics, drug discovery, and health.

Dr. Zitnik's research vision is that in the future data science and artificial intelligence will be routinely used to give clinicians diagnostic recommendations; give scientists testable hypotheses they can confirm experimentally and offer them insights into safe and precise treatments; and give patients guidance on self-care, e.g., how to lead a healthy lifestyle and recognize disease early. To realize this vision, Dr. Zitnik develops methods to reason over rich interconnected data and translates the methods into solutions for biomedical problems.

Before joining Harvard, Dr. Zitnik was a postdoctoral fellow in Computer Science at Stanford University and was involved in projects at Chan Zuckerberg Biohub. She received her Ph.D. in Computer Science from University of Ljubljana while also researching at Imperial College London, University of Toronto, Baylor College of Medicine, and Stanford University.

Mohammad Ghassemi

Mohammad Ghassemi is a scientist and entrepreneur with extensive national and international consulting experience. He holds a Ph.D. from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in electrical engineering and computer science with a focus on artificial intelligence. Dr. Ghassemi was formerly a director of data science at S&P Global, and a strategic consultant with BCG. He has over ten years of technical and strategic consulting experience working with many of the world’s largest organizations. In 2018, his company (Ghamut Corporation) was the recipient of an NSF Small Business Innovation Research grant.

In 2018, Dr. Ghassemi joined Michigan State University as an Assistant Professorship in Computer Science where he develops tools and systems that combine human and machine intelligence (A.I.) to solve problems that neither humans nor machines can solve as effectively alone. In 2021, he was named as one of nine individuals to serve as a National Scholar for Data and Technology Advancement at the NIH where he led the development of BRAINWORKS, a novel technology platform to visualize 40+ years of scientific knowledge as an interactive graph.

He is the lead inventor on multiple US Patents, the author of a widely consumed book on health informatics (over 1 Million downloads), and has authored over 30 peer-reviewed scientific papers in venues including: Nature (Scientific Data), Science (Translational Medicine), Proceedings of the IEEE, and the Proceedings of the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence. His scientific contributions have been cited over 5,000 times, and have been featured by several media outlets including: the BBC, NPR, The Wall Street Journal and Newsweek. In 2021, he was named an "AI Champion" by AIMed for his contributions to the intersection of AI and medicine.

Benedek Rozemberczki

Benedek Rozemberczki is a machine learning research scientist at Isomorphic Laboratories an Alphabet company focused on reimagining the drug discovery process with AI first principles. Previously, he was a senior machine learning engineer at the AstraZeneca Biological Insights Knowledge Graph team where he worked on applying graph machine learning to solve drug discovery problems in oncology and immunology. He is the creator and maintainer of numerous open-source graph machine learning libraries including ChemicalX, PyTorch Geometric Temporal, and Little Ball of Fur.

Shameer Khader

Shameer Khader is the Executive Director of Precision Medicine and Computational Biology at Sanofi, Cambridge MA. Prior to Sanofi, he was Senior Director of Machine Learning Research at AstraZeneca, USA. He leads a global team that leverages trans-disciplinary (biomedical, healthcare, and clinical) big data and machine intelligence to accelerate drug discovery and development. He has more than a decade of experience building and leading bioinformatics and data science in academia and industry. He obtained his PhD in computational biology from the National Center for Biological Sciences in India. He completed his post-doctoral training in computation genomics and precision medicine at the Mayo Clinic. His contributions to biomedicine using applied machine intelligence include more than 120 peer-reviewed research papers and conference abstracts. Multiple national and international media outlets featured his work on healthcare data science, bioinformatics, drug discovery, and precision medicine, including Forbes, Fast Company, Bloomberg News, and Times of India. He received multiple awards for his research contributions; His work on developing an open catalog of drug repositioning has won the Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics' Bioinformatics Resource Innovation Award in 2017. Recently, he was recognized as one of the 100 Artificial Intelligence Leaders in Drug Discovery & Healthcare (DKI Global and Forbes). His TEDx Talk on Saving Lives Using Biomedical Data Science is available here.

Yu Liu

Yu Liu is currently a Senior Engineering Director at Google, building the Personalization Modeling & Infrastructure, which impacts multiple major products Recommendation & Personalization.

Yu's extensive working experience covers Personalization, Discovery, Content, Ads, Shopping/Marketplace, Payment, Integrity, etc. Before Yu joined Google, she was a Director at Facebook AI, where Yu drove cutting-edge AI technology development, and delivered significant impacts on Facebook’s product surfaces. Prior to Facebook, Yu was in Pinterest overseeing Content & Shopping Engineering and went through the company's IPO. Before Pinterest, she was in Apple for 4 years focusing on AppStore Search, Payment Science and Apple Music Growth & Personalization. Even earlier, Yu worked at eBay and was devoted to ML search engine evolution.

Chi-Keung (CK) Chow

Chi-Keung (CK) Chow is a Principal Developer in FINRA’s Department of Technology. He directs the data science program in Market Regulation Technology. He also serves on the coaching team of the FINRA Research and Development (R&D) Analytic program. He earned a BS in Physics from the Chinese University of Hong Kong and a PhD in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics from the California Institute of Technology.

Chung-Sheng Li

Chung-Sheng Li is currently a Managing Director at PwC Lab with the focus on driving AI augmented assurance. Prior to joining PwC, he was with Accenture Operations as the Global Research Managing Director of AI, with the focus on driving the development of new AI-enabled business process service offerings for Accenture Business Process Services from 2016 to 2019. Previously, he has been with IBM Research between 1990 and 2016 with various technical leadership responsibilities.

His career includes driving research and development initiatives spanning cognitive computing, cloud computing, smarter planet, cybersecurity, and cognitive regulatory compliance. He has authored or coauthored more than 130 patents and 170 journal and conference papers (and received the best paper award from IEEE Transactions on Multimedia in 2003). He is a Fellow of the IEEE.

He received BSEE from National Taiwan University, Taiwan, R.O.C., in 1984, and the MS and Ph.D.degrees in electrical engineering and computer science from the University of California, Berkeley, in 1989 and 1991,respectively.

Nigel Duffy

Nigel is a technologist and entrepreneur serving as the EY global artificial intelligence leader in global innovation. In this role, he is responsible for the application of AI throughout EY. As leader of the EY AI Lab, he is responsible for projects that drive strategic transformation for how the company operates, competes and provides services. He also strengthens relationships with startups and academic communities worldwide.

Before joining EY, Nigel was a founder and executive of deep technology startups that use AI to run hedge funds, design pharmaceuticals, control computer games and improve online retail. Nigel has built research organizations and started revolutionary products in a variety of fields. He is a highly cited author with papers covering machine learning, linguistics, biology, economics, chemistry and computer science.

Nigel holds a master's degree in mathematics from University College Dublin and a Ph.D. in machine learning from the University of California, Santa Cruz. His original research includes the first theoretical papers on gradient boosting.