Accepted Papers
Factor Investing with a Deep Multi-Factor Model
Zikai Wei (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)*; Bo Dai (Shanghai AI Lab); Dahua Lin (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Understanding stock market instability via graph auto-encoders
Dragos Gorduza (University of Oxford)*; Xiaowen Dong (Oxford); Stefan Zohren (Oxford)
Improving Protein Subcellular Localization Prediction with Structural Prediction & Graph Neural Networks
Geoffroy Dubourg-Felonneau (Shiru, INC)*; Arash Abbasi (Shiru, INC); Eyal Akiva (Shiru, INC); Lawrence Lee (Shiru, INC)
Homological Neural Networks
Tomaso Aste (University College London)*; Yuanrong Wang (UCL)
Learning on Graphs for Mineral Asset Valuation Under Supply and Demand Uncertainty
Yassine Yaakoubi (McGill University)*; Hager Radi (Mila, Quebec AI Institute); Roussos Dimitrakopoulos (McGill University)
Graph Q-Learning for Combinatorial Optimization
Victoria M Dax (Stanford University)*; Jiachen Li (Stanford University); Kevin Leahy (MIT Lincoln Laboratory); Mykel J Kochenderfer (Stanford University)
Dual GNNs: Learning Graph Neural Networks with Limited Supervision
Abdullah Alchihabi (Carleton University )*; Yuhong Guo (Carleton University)
Battery GraphNets: Relational Learning for Lithium-ion Batteries(LiBs) Life Estimation
Sagar Srinivas Sakhinana (Tata Research Development and Design Center)*; Rajat Kumar Sarkar (Tata Research Development and Design Centre); Venkataramana Runkana (Tata Consultancy Services Limited)
Dissecting In-the-Wild Stress from Multimodal Sensor Data
Sujay Nagaraj (University of Toronto)*; Thomas Hartvigsen (MIT); Adrian Boch (Evidation); Luca Foschini (Evidation); Marzyeh Ghassemi (University of Toronto, Vector Institute); Sarah Goodday (4youandme); Stephen Friend (4youandme); Anna Goldenberg (SickKids Research Institute/University of Toronto)
Sample-Specific Contextualized Graphical Models Using Clinical and Molecular Data Reveal Transcriptional Network Heterogeneity
Caleb Ellington (Carnegie Mellon University)*; Benjamin J Lengerich (MIT); Thomas B.K. Watkins (UCL Cancer Institute); Jiekun Yang (MIT); Manolis Kellis (Massachusetts Institute of Technology); Eric P. Xing (MBZUAI, CMU, and Petuum Inc.)
Abstract: Cancers are shaped by somatic mutations, microenvironment, and patient background, each altering both gene expression and gene regulatory networks (GRNs) in complex ways, resulting in highly-variable cellular states and dynamics. Inferring GRNs from expression data can help characterize this regulation-driven heterogeneity, but network inference is intractable without many statistical samples, limiting GRNs to cluster-level analyses that ignore intra-cluster heterogeneity. We propose to move beyond cluster-based analyses by using contextualized learning, a meta-learning paradigm, to generate sample-specific network models from sample contexts. We unify three network classes (correlation, Markov, Bayesian) and estimate sample-specific GRNs for 7000 tumours across 25 tumor types, with each network contextualized by copy number and driver mutation profiles, tumor microenvironment, and patient demographics. Sample-specific networks provide a de-noised view of expression dynamics at sample-specific resolution, which reveal co-expression modules in correlation networks (CNs), cliques and independent regulatory elements in Markov Networks (MNs), and topological ordering and probability factorization in Bayesian Networks (BNs). Sample-specific networks enable GRN-based precision oncology, including brain tumor subtyping that improves survival prognosis.