Registration deadline: August 20, 2018.

This event is free, but space is limited and registration is mandatory.

To register follow the link of our Registration page.

Abstract submission deadline: July 31, 2018

Oral / Poster Presentations

We will host few oral talks and a poster session.

To be considered for an oral or poster presentation:

* Choose one of the following topics: circuit patterning, cell fate specification, migration, guidance, synaptogenesis, circuit aging

*Send an abstract to

* Email should have as title the topic of your choice (see above)

*Abstract should include presenter's name ,authors & affiliations

*Abstract should be of maximum 2,800 characters (affiliations & spaces included)

*Indicate if you want to be considered for oral and/or poster presentation.

Travel Grants: deadline July 31, 2018

A limited number of 300$ travel grants will be provided to participants

who are selected to present their work and travel from outside of the Tristate Area.

To be considered for a travel grant :

* Apply for an oral / poster presentation (see above)

* Justify in a short paragraph in your email the reason for applying for a travel grant