Volunteer Opportunities

Glenview Parent Council has a number of activities for which we require a list of volunteers to call upon. Many of these activities offer the opportunity to help during school hours or out-of-school hours. Below is a list of activities with brief descriptions. If you are able to assist in any of these areas please CONTACT US.


Our children at Glenview always enjoy their Pancake/PJ Day. The volunteer jobs for this include picking up juice or pancake batter on the day of the event, setting up the tables and chairs in the gym, cooking pancakes, serving students, and cleaning up when completed. Pancake Day is completed by first break at approximately 11:00 am. We do require two volunteers to come in and cook pancakes for the kindergarten class students the following day.


Each year the Glenview Parent Council thanks our wonderful staff with a special lunch. The lunch is provided by parent donation of food items. We require volunteers for such things as set up of the library, decorating, food preparation, serving of food, clean up and coverage of teacher’s duty time.


More details to follow!


The Fun Fair is an event the children look forward to every year and requires many volunteers to make it a success. We require help with organizing events, games, vendors, raffle baskets, signs, setting up on the day of the event, selling tickets, bake table, BBQ, food, monitoring games, and clean-up at the end of the night. These jobs are all SHARED so that EVERYONE can enjoy the fair with their children.


Pizza Day at Glenview is the ongoing Council fundraiser that also gives our students a change from the usual lunchbox items - this year we're introducing Subway Subs once a month! Volunteers are needed on Fridays from 10:00am – 11:30am to help sort and deliver pizza to the classrooms. This is another great way to get to know your school and support a council initiative!