The Intent Rules Engine used by the Inventor ETO Server is powerful enough to implement nearly any sort of engineer-to-order application you could envision. It can be used to capture geometric and configuration knowledge, as well as business rules. Because the Intent Rules Engine provides the capability to create dependencies between designs (objects), it effectively allows the creation of workflows.

When Hamilton started using the term "software engineering" during the early Apollo missions,[60] software development was not taken seriously compared to other engineering,[61] nor was it regarded as a science. Hamilton was concerned with legitimizing software development as an engineering discipline.[62] Over time the term "software engineering" gained the same respect as any other technical discipline.[57][63] The IEEE Software September/October 2018 issue celebrates the 50th anniversary of software engineering.[64] Hamilton talks about "Errors" and how they influenced her work related to software engineering and how her language, USL, could be used to prevent the majority of "Errors" in a system.[65] Writing in Wired, Robert McMillan noted: "At MIT she assisted in the creation of the core principles in computer programming as she worked with her colleagues in writing code for the world's first portable computer".[66] Hamilton's innovations go beyond the feats of playing an important role in getting humans to the Moon. According to Wired's Karen Tegan Padir: "She, along with that other early programming pioneer, COBOL inventor Grace Hopper, also deserve tremendous credit for helping to open the door for more women to enter and succeed in STEM fields like software."[67][68]

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These early uses of railways gave little hint that a revolution in methods of transportation was underway. James Watt's improvements in the steam engine were adapted by John Fitch in 1787 to propel a ship on the Delaware River, and by James Rumsey in the same year on the Potomac River. Fitch, an American inventor and surveyor, had published his "Map of the Northwest" two years earlier to finance the building of a commercial steamboat. With Robert Fulton's Clermont and a boat built by John Stevens, the use of steam power for vessels became firmly established. Railroads and steam propulsion developed separately, and it was not until the one system adopted the technology of the other that railroads began to flourish.

Alfred Nobel was born in Stockholm on 21 October 1833. His father, Immanuel Nobel, was an engineer and inventor who built bridges and buildings in Stockholm. In connection with his construction work Immanuel Nobel also experimented with different techniques for blasting rocks.

(b) within 180 days of the development of the initial guidelines required by subsection 4.7(a) of this section, agencies shall conduct a security review of all data assets in the comprehensive data inventory required under 44 U.S.C. 3511(a)(1) and (2)(B) and shall take steps, as appropriate and consistent with applicable law, to address the highest-priority potential security risks that releasing that data could raise with respect to CBRN weapons, such as the ways in which that data could be used to train AI systems.

(c) To promote innovation and clarify issues related to AI and inventorship of patentable subject matter, the Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property and Director of the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO Director) shall:

(i) within 120 days of the date of this order, publish guidance to USPTO patent examiners and applicants addressing inventorship and the use of AI, including generative AI, in the inventive process, including illustrative examples in which AI systems play different roles in inventive processes and how, in each example, inventorship issues ought to be analyzed;

(i) evaluate and take steps to identify commercially available information (CAI) procured by agencies, particularly CAI that contains personally identifiable information and including CAI procured from data brokers and CAI procured and processed indirectly through vendors, in appropriate agency inventory and reporting processes (other than when it is used for the purposes of national security);

It determines ownership of the eventual patent. Knowledge of ownership is also important for ensuring that any priority claim is validly made. In some countries (e.g. the USA) the inventorship issue is so important that deliberately falsifying it in a patent application can invalidate any patent resulting from the application.

Accordingly, for any prudent patent applicant, there should be a careful determination of the identity of the inventor(s) for every patent application, followed by careful confirmation that the necessary rights have passed from the inventor(s) to the intended patent applicant. This will be discussed in more detail below.

The criteria for deciding who should be considered an inventor are quite different to those normally applied to determining authorship of a scientific research paper. There are no actual rules laid down in law, but the following is the approach generally applied in the UK.

It may be necessary to change the inventorship details that have been provided to the Patent Office.For instance spellings or other details may be corrected, the name of any inventor who should have been mentioned but was not may be added, and any person who was named as inventor but who should not have been may be deleted.

By default in the UK, the inventor is the first owner of an invention. However, in the vast majority of cases the ownership of the rights to a patent will pass from the inventor(s) to their respective employer(s) by virtue of their employment.

A contract of employment may help to determine whether or not the rights of the invention are automatically transferred from the employee to the employer. Where there is any doubt as to whether the rights have been transferred, the inventor(s) should sign a formal agreement transferring their rights to the employer(s) to confirm the situation.

Learn how to build a Corsi-Rosenthal box. The device was created to provide significant reduction in the amount of virus-laden, aerosol particles that are in the air. Follow along as Dean of Engineering Richard L. Corsi, co-inventor, shows you the major components of this device, and how to build one.

Acclaimed in his time as the "greatest living engineer," George Westinghouse was accorded numerous honors in the U.S. and abroad, even after his death on March 12, 1914. Perhaps the finest tribute of all came from inventor Nikola Tesla, whose patents for the polyphase system of alternating current and the induction motor were acquired by Westinghouse and gave the company its early leadership in electric power developments. Westinghouse used Tesla's system to light the World's Columbian Exposition at Chicago in 1893. This system was also a factor in the Westinghouse Electric Company winning the contract to install the first power machinery at Niagara Falls, which bore Tesla's name and patent numbers. "George Westinghouse was, in my opinion, the only man on this globe who could take my alternating-current system under the circumstances then existing and win the battle against prejudice and money power," Tesla wrote. "He was one of the world's true noblemen, of whom America may well be proud and to whom humanity owes an immense debt of gratitude."

In 1903, Sakichi invented the first automatic shuttle-changing mechanism that automatically replenished the weft yarn without stopping machine operation, producing the world's first shuttle-change automatic loom, Type T, equipped with this mechanism. Kanegafuchi Boseki Co. attached this shuttle-changing mechanism to its wide looms and undertook performance testing. The test results, however, were not so favorable, because Sakichi had entrusted the building and pre-testing to others.

Reflecting on this experience, he developed an unwavering conviction that a product should never be sold unless it has been carefully manufactured and fully tested in the commercial trial, with completely satisfactory results.

As it will be mentioned afterwards, Sakichi later traveled to the United States and Europe on a observation trip. He visited Dr. Jokichi Takamine at his home in New York. Dr. Takamine was world-renowned for having been the first person to successfully extract Taka-Diastase and adrenaline. Dr. Takamine explained that an inventor should never put his or her invention in the hands of others until it was developed as a practical product with useful social results and that this was the responsibility of an inventor. Sakichi was inspired and took this advice to heart.

Patent information commonly refers to the information found in patent applications and granted patents. This information may include bibliographic data about the inventor and patent applicant or patent holder, a description of the claimed invention and related developments in the field of technology, and a list of claims indicating the scope of patent protection sought by the applicant.

The requirement that a patent applicant disclose information about their invention(s) is very important for the continuous development of the technology. This information provides a basis on which new technical solutions can be developed by other inventors. Without publication there would be no way for the public to get information about new technical developments. It is therefore not surprising that providing information for the public is a key task of industrial property offices.

The trick is to stick with what you are working at, endlessly pushing. When people talk about the great innovators and inventors from history, they usually talk about their success. However, they rarely bring up the countless hours, mistakes, and missteps that these people made before attaining their goal.

From top innovators to historical inventors, today we are going to look at the figures who struggled to get their ideas, accepted in the world, people who had started in less than ideal situations, or who simply made countless mistakes only to make history and change the world. 589ccfa754

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